Chapter Twenty Two

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Jisoo's P.O.V

"This project will-," The secretary of Ms. Hirai rumbled while I didn't actually listen, my head is pounding like a bitch so how can I even listen?

I blocked my mouth with my hands so they wouldn't hear my coughs, but they still did.

"Are you okay, sajangnim?" They all looked at me like I was going to die.

"Yes, continue please." I shrugged it off but I this time I was listening at their proposal entirely.

Their presentation ended smoothly. but to their dismay, I started to ask questions.

"What's the main purpose of all of these?" I asked them and made a stoic expression, showing that I wasn't taking a simple answer.

"The main purpose of this project is to help those people who aren't fortunate enough to be admitted to a private hospital, and instead getting a poor medication. We already got twenty five investors, we're only waiting for your go sign sajangnim." She explained and I nodded, twenty five investors? Damn that's so many.

"Very well said, congratulate yourselves since you got a go sign from me now." I said with a gruff voice, clapping my hands.

When they finished bowing to each other, I headed out of the conference room. My supposed to be secretary is nowhere to be found.

"Sajangnim, are you finished now?" She appeared out of nowhere making me startled, but quickly composing my posture.

"Yes, what's our next agenda?" I asked her, probably the next one is going to be business related, how can even appa handle all of these?!

"Lunch with Ms. Im, sajangnim." She looked over her notes.

Now a lunch while having a discussion, I'm already tired and this is only my first week here.

And a week without my Mandu.

I was busy day dreaming when I didn't notice we already arrived in a fancy place.

A waiter guided us to our table, I saw two woman, their backs facing us making us unable to see their faces. I supposed Ms. Im and her secretary?

Jeongyeon, my secretary, approached them first and introduced herself. I made my way over them.

I bowed at them and they did the same, I averted my eyes to Ms. Im.

"It's nice-Nayeon?!" I asked her shocked, and she seemed like one too, and she giggled.

"I guess I'm getting this baby signed." She looked over a paper and confidently looked at me.

"Nu uh! You're still talking with me, don't be so cocky. I'm the boss here." I smugly glanced at her and she scoffed.

"Whatever, Jisoo." She brushed it off and rolled her eyes.


"You gotta know I'm signing this thing not because you're good, just because you're my friend." I smirked at her.

"Yah! admit it, and you look like a person that doesn't count in friends in business field." She clicked her tongue and I looked over her.

"Wow, suddenly complementing me?" I lightly laughed and she smiled cheekily.

"So, what's happening with you and your grumpy wife?" She air quoted the word wife.

"Kinda messed up, long story. Still up for it? This is my last appointment for today." I explained at her and she nodded eagerly.

"So it started-" I started rumbling off the things that happened, including the one week pact and why am I here at Japan working my ass off, she kept interupting so we took longer than expected.

I finished and she looked at me and leaned her body on the table, making a small gap between our faces.

Did I make her gay or something?

She then hit me on my forehead hardly, making me groan.

Okay maybe not.

"What a coward! Go back to Korea this instant! Go get her!" She scolded me and raised her hands and forming it like she was strangling me while looking at me sharply.

"It's not that easy you know, and I promised to not bother her anymore" I sighed and averted my eyes away.

"You're a jerk, a selfish one." She rolled her eyes and I felt my anger rising, I quickly snapped my head towards her and was about to get mad.

"You're a selfish jerk because you weren't considering what she felt, you were thinking about yourself and not hers too. Maybe she's hurting right now because of you." She finished and sipped her drink.

Her statement just blew my mind,

Maybe I really am a jerk.

"Geez. I hate to say this but you're right." I grumbled and she shot me a grin, showing me an 'I told you so' face.

"And I hate to say this but I have my next meeting, so I suggest you to think about what I said." With that, Nayeon and her secretary got out of the fancy place.


I'm now at the pent house where I'm staying in for the moment.

I'm deciding wether if I should call appa, which I was doing now.

"Jisoo, what's up?" He answered.

"How is it there?" I asked while making my way to the fridge.

"It's fine here, but Jennie.." He stayed quiet, the bottle of wine from the fridge clinking to the table, making a faint sound.

"What's with her?" I asked worriedly, did something happen to her?

"She was here earlier, asking your whereabouts. But as we promised we didn't tell her anything. But Jisoo, she looks like she haven't been taking care of herself." He rumbled and I sigh deeply.

"Thank you for telling me appa, and please wait for my next call. Don't ask." I told him and he seemed to understand what I am talking about.

He hunged up and I sipped my wine, I need a drink right now, even if my throat hurts a little bit.

The things that Nayeon told me earlier kept ringing on my head, I'm a real jerk, aren't I?

You are, maybe go home now so you your jerkness can lessen, don't you think?

Subconscius mind is messing with me again.

I wonder if she's missing me right now? Or what if someone already replaced me?

My blood boiled at that thought, I hate this.

I quickly fished out my phone, but as I'm not a drinker, the wine started to take its effects and it made me tipsy.

"Appa, it's time." I called him and he chuckled.

"Glad you literally thought about it quickly." He was laughing now.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I blushed and hunged up.

I guess I coudn't really resist all of it huh? I'm the one who did this but I'm still the one who's failing. Anyways,

That's it, I'm going back to Korea.

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