Chapter Eight

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Jisoo's P.O.V

I felt my cheeks being poked. Who the hell is waking me up, I swear I'm gonna punch whoever is taking me away from my peaceful slumber.

When I opened my eyes,I saw Jennie's hand on my cheeks, her fingers poking my cheeks. Okay maybe this girl is an exception from me punching whoever wakes me up.

"Jisoo eonni, we're here. Wake up." she removed her hand on my face.

We got our things and got off the train. We were welcomed by fresh air. Jennie's hair was all over her face so I tucked her hair behind her ear while leaning closely. I can feel her eyes on me, I looked at her eyes then winked.

We hailed a cab then got in. After a few minutes we arrived at our house. I unlocked the door to be welcomed by a very dark living room.

"What the-" I was cut off by opening of the light and people screaming; surprising me. Did I forgot some ocassion or what? Is it my birthday today? Wait, I just turned twenty three last January.

I then looked at the people who greeted me. Mom, Dad, Irene eonni, then I see three people facing the wall, their backs facing me.

Oh wait, I know these three. Aunt Sandara, uncle Jiyoung and Jin, my cousin. I squealed like a kid and hugged the three of them. The last time they visited us was last year.

"Omo I missed you guys, but what brings you here?" I asked them.

"We wanted to visit you guys, we're staying here for about two weeks." Jin patted my head while the girls stared at us confusingly after they hugged my parents and Irene eonni.

"This is mom's sister, Sandara, and Jiyoung, her husband." I pointed at my aunt and uncle. she waved at them while he said my catchphrase. 'Nyeongan'

"This boy right here," I pointed at Jin. "Is my-" "I'm her boyfriend" Jin cutted me while I stared at him and played along. "Yes, Jin is my boyfriend." I hugged him tightly while we were smirking at each other.

Our family knows that the of us is very playful so they just went along too while the girls looked shocked and Jennie was staring at me blankly.

Huh, that's very amusing.

After the greetings, my mom asked me to show the girls room, we only have six rooms in our house. My parents room, me and Irene eonni's room, that counts as three. We only have three guest room, two was occupied with aunt Dara and uncle Jiyoung then Jin. The last room is occupied with Chae and Lisa.

That leaves me with Jennie in my room. My family planned this well. I love them haha. I mentally laughed.

While I was passing by the guest room ChaeLisa occupied, two of them tugged me in. What's with people tugging me? Do I look like a rope?

"Yah Kim Jisoo you fool! What do you mean by boyfriend? Then why are you flirting with Jennie?" Lisa shouted at me.

"You're playing with Jennie! I swear I'm gonna hurt you if you hurt her." Chaeng scolded me, then she realized something.

"Wait, you knew eonni likes Jennie?" she turned her head at Lisa then the latter nodded then explained how did she know, excluding the part that she liked Chaeng.

"Okay then, but you fool!" Chaeng turned to me and hit my head.

"Yah! Jin is not my boyfriend, he's my cousin. We're very playful you see. And I just play along with him to see how Jennie reacts." I whispered at them and they laughed at me.

"Oh gosh I didn't know you're clever eonni" Lisa joked while I glared at her.

I got out of their room and while I was making my way to my room where Jennie is, I stumbled across Jin. We high-fived each other.

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