Chapter Seven

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Jennie's P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of something burning, I shot open my eyes and immediately saw some smoke entering our room. I speed walked to Jisoo eonni's bed to find out that she's still sleeping soundly. I harshly shaked her to wake her up.

"Eonni wake up! Somethings burning!" She hastily sat causing or forehead to bump to each other, I groaned and she rubbed the spot on her forehead which bumped to mine.

"Why'd you wake me up?" she asked annoyed while I pointed the smoke making it's way to the creaks of the door.

"Oh no." she ran to the door and opened it quickly. She waved her arms to remove the smoke that's blocking her vision, she made her way to the kitchen while I just follow her as I coughed.

She grabbed the fire extuinguisher near the refrigerator's side and pointed it to the stove that has a burning pan on it. How did she knew that it's coming from the stove?

Just then, we heard Lisa coughing loudly, we didn't see her earlier because of the thick smoke.

"Really Lisa, what did you do now?" She scolded Lisa while putting down the fire extuinguisher and the smoke slowly subsided.

"I'm hungry so I tried to cook something, I didn't wake you guys cause you seem so peaceful sleeping." she looked down on her feet embarassed.

"Don't do that again, wake me up when you're hungry, okay?" Jisoo eonni patted her head like a kid and the latter nodded and hugged her.

"What are you cooking anyways?" I asked curiously while looking at the turd-looking thing in the pan.

"Pancakes, I don't know. I just mixed the flour and eggs and poured it to the pan then waited for five minutes with high heat." she explained while Jisoo eonni and me looked at each other and laughed our ass off.

"What's happening? Why is there smoke and why are you guys laughing? Did you guys smoke those green things or what?" Chaeng groggily walked in the kitchen.

"Lisa cooked 'pancakes' that looks like a turd." I air qouted with my fingers while Rosie took a look with whats in the pan and she winced.

"You guys are bullying me. But I'm hungry." Lisa groaned loudly.

"Jen-ah, cook for us please? It's been a while since we ate your cooking." Jisoo made her way to me and put her hands on my waist, basically hugging me.

"Okay fine, but Chaeng will clean that bad looking thing in the pan." I giggled at Lisa's 'pancake'.

"Ugh, why me." Chaeng groaned once again then cleaned the mess with Lisa's help.

"What are you gonna cook?" I'll help you." Jisoo eonni volunteered.

"Pancakes, to mock the Lisa." I smirked at her.

Jisoo's P.O.V

I got the ingredients while she got the utensils we're going to need. She asked me to mix the dry ingredients first then add the liquids next then mix it. While I was doing that she opened the stove and heated the pan in low heat and added butter.

"We make a good team. You be the chef, I be the assistant yo." I rapped like a western rapper then handed her the batter I mixed.

I asked her if I can cook some of the pancakes and she just nodded while getting something from the fridge. She's gonna add some toppings in our pancakes, I guess.

I was cooking the last pancake when I felt someone snaked their hands in my waist then back-hugged me. No need to look back on who's hugging me, I know her scent very well.

She leaned her chin on my shoulders while looking at the last pancake I was cooking. I tilted my head to face her and I smirked at her while she smile at me cheekily.

What does she think she's doing? This girl is giving me mixed signals, it's confusing.

We finished cooking the pancakes and prepared some toppings that we like.

"Chaelisa! Come here and pick what toppings you like!" I shouted for them to hear me.

"That's their name fused." I explained to her.

We decorated our pancakes with the topping we like and Jennie asked us if we want some whipped cream. We raised our hands like kids. When she pushed the handle of the whipped cream bottle, It just squirted with very little cream. We laughed at her and she pretended that it didn't happen.

Rosie was putting sauce on her plate to make a decoration when Lisa interupted her and took the spoon from her.

"No, it's supposed to be like this." she put some sauce and smudge it, attempting to bend it's look. The outcome is straight and Lisa laughed at her failure while Rosie scolded her.

I was getting the sauce beside Jennie's plate when some of it spilled in to her plate.

"Yah eonni! It's destroyed." she whined at me and I did the peace sign while smiling sweetly at her.

"The real maknae and fake maknae destroying our pancakes." Rosie joked and we laughed.

Well, I used to be mistaken as the youngest in our group of friends back when we were studying, so they gave me the nickname fake maknae.

We finished decorating our pancakes and took some photos. We we're eating when my phone rung. I answered it without looking at the caller's name.

"Yah Jichu! Where are you, come here now!" Mom called me, all of the sudden?

"As in right now? What's happening?" I asked curiously while taking a bite of my pancakes.

"We'll tell you after you get home here! Hurry up Chu! We need you here! And come with the girls!" she then hung up after that. What's with her?

"Who called?" Chaeng asked while we stood up and put our plates to the sink while maknae volunteered to wash it in exchange of burning the pan earlier.

"Mom, she told me to get home right now and bring you guys with me. I don't know why." I washed my hands and they nodded at me.

We showered and get dressed quickly while shoving some things we need inside our bags. I told them to put some clothes good for two days because mom won't let us come back here late and she'll persuade us to stay there.

We got onto the train station and sat. I wondered what happened back home? I'm worried about them.

I felt my shoulders being tapped by Jennie, she looked at me worried.

"What's wrong Chu? Don't overthink." she looked at me then leaned her head on my shoulders.

"Chu? You heard it earlier?" I looked at her questioning her and she nodded and shut her eyes. I guess she's sleeping.

I didn't know what to feel about this. I confessed then she rejected me. Then we act like nothing happened, back to friends. Then she goes like this. This is confusing. I'll step up my game, I won't care if I get rejected again, it's worth feeling the pain if it's because of her.

My thoughts are filled with questions while I didn't mind that I was falling asleep.

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