Chapter Twenty One

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Jennie's P.O.V

I scrunched up my nose as I felt the rays of the sun peeking through the curtains and it was directed on my face.

I touched the space beside me after moving to avoid the rays.

Still no Jisoo.

She wasn't here.

She's not beside me.

She's still fulfilling the pact that we made.

And most importantly,

It was hurting me, she's hurting me in an indirect way.

My eyes couldn't longer cry, my puffed red eyes is stinging. My lips are cracked and my eyebags got deeper.

Is this the Jennie Kim they wanted? To be miserable? What's happening to me?

Memories of Jisoo taking care of us flooded through me, she was there when we're hurt, she was there in every step of the way being a crackhead and cheering us up.

She was there, but now?

Not anymore.

I sighed deeply and clutched the pillow I was hugging closer to my chest. It even smells like Jisoo, making me miss her even more.

I was about to sleep again, but someone interrupted me by knocking aggresively at the door.

I stood up lazily to open it.

"Jennie eonni, please eat with us." Lisa and Chaeng pleaded.

"Go away Lisa!" I shouted with my gruff voice, shoving the maknaes out of our room.

"Come on eonni! You just can't starve yourself and rot in your room, Jisoo eonni would be mad if she's here." Chaeng scolded me and caressed my cheeks.

"But she's not here Chaeyoung-ah." I mumbled with a small voice and threw my arms around her neck as I sobbed.

"What if Jisoo returned right now and you looked like that, what is she starts to dislike you ans starts liking others, would you like that?" Chaeng threatened me which got my attention.

When we got out of our room, they prepared something for me while I just spaced out.

"Here's your food eonni." Chaeng slid a plate with lots of food infront of me. Even the sight is making me puke, I don't want to eat!

"Not hungry." I replied dryly and yawned.

"Please eonni, for your health?" Sshe said, convincing me and I shaked my head.

"How about for Jisoo eonni?" Lisa butted in and I took the fork and started to dig in.

After some moment of whining every now and them, the both us the maknaes scolding me and telling me that I need some energy in my system.

The three of us propped down on the couch and Lisa was choosing movies.

I was staring to noting in particular, I was just spacing out beside them.

If Jisoo fought for me back then, to win my heart, coudn't I do the same? Maybe it's time to stop sulking and start to find her. I will win her back.

I made up my mind, I stood up which got the maknaes startled, they looked at me weirdly.

"That's it! I'm getting pissed at Jisoo for not being with me, I'm gonna find her!" I scoffed and left the both of them, heading inside my room to clean myself up and get dressed. After I finished I headed out of our room.

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