Chapter Nineteen

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Jisoo's P.O.V

I shut my eyes tightly, to ease the pain of my eyes from reading too much book. I called it a day and closed the novel I was reading for the past five hours.

I was looking at the scenery outside my office, and started to recall what happened for the last few years.

It has been exactly four years since I haven't seen her, I didn't know what happend after I left them. All I know is the time quickly passed as I drowned myself into my work to forget.

But I coudn't, I just can't.

I'm now the CEO of our family business, my employees labeled me as Angemon-nim, partly demon because of my cold attitude towards them, and partly angel because of my physical appearance. I just heard that gossip anyways, nothing important.

Until now, I'm not dating anyone. Some may hit on me, but I don't entertain them and just ignore them until they give up.

No one's gonna have my heart again, I swear-

"Yah Kim Jisoo! you're spacing out again?" Jennie shaked my arms as I got out of my daydreaming.

"Oh yeah sorry." I sheepishly scratched the back of my neck and she just deeply sighed.

We're now watching a movie, which is not so surprisingly, Disney animation.

"Oh god, that man is his real grand grandfather!" Chaeng cried out loud while Lisa was comforting her.

Did I mention that they're here too? Oh well now they are.

They just got back from Australia, and so did we, but from France.

"If I don't know you Chaeng, my gay ass would be thinking you're pregnant and having your hormonal shizz right now, and Lisa is your husband, wait, I mean wife." I looked over her and she just glared at me sharply, and cried in Lisa's arms again.

"Are you sure you didn't accidentally got her pregnant?" I said and wiggled my eyebrows up and down.

"Shut up eonni!" Lisa scolded me while smirking, Bingo! they did something at Australia.

"Aish, many people wanted me to shut up today eh?" I mumbled, which I think Jennie heard as she giggled softly.

"Jisoo, you wanna go out?" I positioned my body to face Jennie's face.

"Sure, what are we gonna do anyways?" I asked her and sat up.

"Just come with me, I know you're gonna enjoy it." she smiled reassuringly.

"Let's go then." With that conversation, we left the maknaes at our dorm and headed out to a place where I'm gonna enjoy coming to, as stated by Jennie.

"Is it far? Why are we walking? Are we close now?" I attacked her with question and she just shrugged, pecked my lips and slipped her fingers with mine, oh well, that caused me to shut up.

And after walking for a while we arrived at a small place, Jeong-Do workshop? What's this place?

We entered and we're welcomed by a foreigner, which is suprisingly fluent in Korean.

"Annyeong! I'm Soonji, I will be your instructor for today, I'll teach you guys to make your own rings!" She joyfully introduced herself.

Oh wait, I get it now. Jennie wanted to come here bacause she like to do her own accesories, sometimes she drags me in her room and forces me to make my own too, but I'm a loser at these things so I always end up with a mess.

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