Chapter Four

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Jisoo's P.O.V

I woke up to the feeling of my head about to crack, having a headache is the worst. I looked at the clock and it showed that it's already eleven in the morning, I can hear the girls voices outside the room. I woke up late, this is going to ruin my sleep schedule.

I got off the bed and accidentally bumped my toe at the bed, I hissed like a maniac and cursed while touching my toe. I forced myself to take a shower and get out of our room.

I can hear them from up here, they're so noisy and it's early in the morning. Oh wait, I forgot I woke up late. I'm really bad at remembering things, like short-term memory lost.

I entered the kitchen and they didn't notice my presence just yet.

"Morning guys, even though it's not." I giggled while facing them. They all stared at me like they have seen a ghost. Jennie gasped loudly as Lisa and Rosé have their mouth agape. What's wrong with them?

"Omo Jisoo-ssi! your cheeks! They have a big bruise! It's covering your whole right cheeks!" Lisa said while widening her eyes. I immediately took a look at a mirror in our living room. Oh, that's why they're acting like that. Damn this is really big-that's why it hurts when I giggled earlier.

"It looks really bad, and it hurts like hell!" I whined while touching my right cheeks.

"I remembered Jennie eonni slapped you when you got home! You didn't put an ice pack?" Chaeng asked.

"I didn't, I was too tired to get up and Jennie was fast asleep so I didn't bother waking her up just to get me an ice pack." I scratched my head.

Jennie slowly made her way to me and pouted while she's about to cry.
And now she's crying. I stroked her locks of brown hair softly and hugged her, she snuggled into my neck.

"Don't cry, I made you worried that's why this happened. You didn't want what you did, yes? You were just worried at me." I whispered into her ears while she nodded and sniffed. My neck is now dripping with her tears. What a cry baby. Cute.

"I-I'm sorry, Jichu-ya. I didn't mean to hurt you." she stuttered while apologizing.

"I already told you it's okay, stop crying now or I won't forgive you." As if I would really do that. She stopped crying and carresed my bruised cheeks.

"This is like watching a live drama, you two looked like lover. I'm fan girling here." Lisa said as she munched on a pop corn while looking at us amused. When did she got that?

I smirked at her and teased her.

"Yes, we're lovers." I pecked Jennie's forehead and Lisa did her most annoying squeal like she was being crushed.

Chaeng then gave me an ice pack and I bought it to my cheeks. She eyed me sharply, and I already know what she meant by that. She wants to talk later.

"Jisoo eonni I need to show you something. We're just gonna go near the play ground, incase you need us." she said to them and tugged me outside. We arrived at the play ground and we sat on the swing.

"Spill." she asked me.

I talked about how I confessed to my parents and their reaction about it, Chaeng just laughed at my face. I then told her what happened when I talked to my eonni about it.

"Your family looks so chill, I need to meet them." she shaked my arms while pouting so I just nodded at her.

Silence embraced the atmosphere, It wasn't awkward or anything-It was just soothing. But it's not long when I broke it.

"I think I'm gonna confess later, what do you think?" I asked her and her eyes lit up.

"You should! I've been convincing you to do that since you told me that you like her. I'm so happy for you." she hugged me lightly while grinning widely. I'm so fluffy, no wonder everyone hugs me. I boasted mentally.

"Eonni, let's go to the new court! Take a photo of me. Besides, it can be our excuse when they asked us where did we go to." she though smartly.

"You're so smart, I wonder what will happen to me if I don't have you." I teased her.

We got into the court and she posed, I took some pictures then showed her if it was good. After a few shots we decided to go home.

"Let's go home! And you should remember the date today, you have to remember since it's the day you got some guts!" she teased me while looking at her phone, she showed me the date.

I'll surely remember this date.

After we got home, they asked us where did we go. I think Chaeng has super powers.

"I showed eonni a new court and asked her to take pictures of me, I'll bring you there next time Lisa." she promised Lisa.

"Can I see your picture?" Lisa asked and Rosie showed her photo in the court.

"It looks good! You should totally bring me there, I'll take your photos." she stared at Rosie in awe. I smell gayness here. Seem suspicious Lalisa.


I'm now lying on my bed, thinking of ways to confess to her. She's now takung a shower, giving me time to think what to do. She got off the bathroom, I spoked too soon.

I stared at her back and called her.

"Jennie-ya, I need to tell you something." I said as I played with the hem of my shirt.

"What is it? you look troubled, what's up?" she asked me worriedly and I signalled her to sit beside me.

"Promise me nothing would change after this, and please don't avoid me after this." I told her, she seems confused but she nodded anyways.

"I like you more than a friend. I have feelings for you, Jennie Kim." she stared at me blankly and spoke.

"What?" she said as she processed what I said to her.

"I like you" I repeated.

"I'm sorry eonni, I don't like you the way you like me." she answered me. I can see the pang of guilt in her eyes.

"I already prepared myself for that" I didn't, and it's shattering my heart into pieces. "Don't worry about me, I just told you so you know. I'm not asking you to like me back." I smiled softly at her while inside it was empty. I patted her head and looked into her eyes.

"Since when? since when did you like me?" she asked.

"A few months ago, maybe around January." I remembered the day when I found out I like her. It was a rainy day, we were watching some drama and I was looking at her. She seemed so beautiful, she always was.

"I'm so-" I hushed her.

"I already said it's okay, now let's go to sleep." I said and she got into her bed. We bid our goodnights.

"Goodnight Jen."

"Goodnight Jisoo eonni."

It was not a good night, it was terrible. I cried silently but the pain was screaming into me. I was breaking inside. It felt like my heart was being torned into pieces. Those words easily crushed me. I need to be positive.

She rejected me.

That was the words that was killing me until I fell asleep.

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