Chapter Twelve

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Jisoo's P.O.V

We've arrived at Jeju earlier, and now we're going to the hotel they checked in for our whole trip here. I guess we're gonna take a nap for awhile there and go out later at night.

"Here's your keys, we're all going by pair and for now just rest since our trip is long so I guess we're all exhausted." Dad announced as he gave the keys to every pair.

The room set up is ofcourse us, Jensoo, then Chaelisa, Jihye, Jinyoung, Darene. We're all on the same floor so it's easy to come into each others room.

Jennie opened the door and we entered. Gosh I'm so tired. I ran into the bed and jumped to lie down.

"Jendeuk, I'm tired" I whined like a little kid and she rolled her eyes while smiling.

"You should unpack first, then we'll take a nap" she pat my baggage and I stood up to unpack.

"Why do we have to unpack when we're gonna pack it later on anyways" I grumbled while fixing my things.

"Aish you big baby, let me help you." she made her way to me.

"You already finished?" I asked her and she hummingly answered.

We finished unpacking and we lie down on the bed and turned off the lights. We cuddled and drifted off to sleep.


Meanwhile the Jensoo couple sleeping, the maknaes are having a conversation about the two.

"What do you think is happening between them? They're suddenly all mushy after Jisoo disappeared back then." the brunette asked the blonde.

"Maybe they're dating, or Jisoo eonni is taking it slow on courting Jennie?" the younger girl stroke the slightly shorter girl.

"That's make sense, let's just let them and they'll tell us when they're ready." they both nodded at each other.

"I'm happy for them tho, they look good together." Chaeng giggled at Lisa.

Jennie's P.O.V

I woke up to hugging a pillow instead of Jisoo. I scanned the room and she's nowhere to be found.

"Jisoo? Are you in the bathroom?" I shouted but got no response. I stood up to get dressed and got out of our room.

I knocked the maknaes room to ask them if they saw Jisoo.

"Nyeongan Jen eonni, what's up?" Rosé opened the door and eyed me.

"Have you seen Jisoo?" I asked her looking like pleading that she'll say Jisoo is inside their room or somewhere.

"Nope, I thought you guys are together in your room?" She looked at me with confusion.

"When I woke up she's not in the room." I mumbled.

"Did you try calling her?" Oh I didn't quite thought of that...

"Oh right.." I smiled at her sheepishly and bid my goodbye to call Jisoo.

Her phone rang for four times before she answered.


"Where the hell are you Kim Jisoo?" I cut her off slightly annoyed.

"Woah chill girl, I'm walking around the hotel's garden and playground." she giggled teasingly.

"Be right there, wait for me or else you won't be seeing daylights, get me?" I threatened her and she just laughed. Aish this girl!

I hurriedly ran where she told me where she is, good thing they gave us the map of this huge ass hotel.

I saw a two girls sitting at the swing and I think talking with each other. I know the other one is Jisoo but I don't know who she's talking to.

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