Chapter Fourteen

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Irene's P.O.V

"Aish, I told you the unicorn is better than your pikachu stuff toy!" Jennie whined at my dongsaeng.

I watch them bicker like kids with amusement. When will these two admit they're dating? The maknaes even got into that level faster.

My phone buzzed, indicating that someone sent me a message. I fished my phone out of my pockets.


@ kangseul mentioned you in a comment.

I unlocked my phone and opened my twitter.


@ kangseul

We should go here! Wdy think??
@ jookim

She tagged me on an adult's playground? Such a dork. But it looks fun anyway. Maybe she's giving signals that we should meet?

@ jookim

Go alone lmao @ kangseul


I giggled while replying. She's not going to get me that easily.

"What are you laughing at?" Jin asked while trying to peek on my phone. I hit him on the head and he grunted loudly.

"Where have you been? You disappeared after breakfast." I raised my eyebrow.

"Maybe some tall blonde guy had a talk with me?" He wiggled his eyebrows and I gave him a 'wow' sound.

"Did you get the guys number? What's his name?" I patted his head.

"I didn't get his number because he said he just knew me and he didn't fully trust me yet, so he gave me his social accounts. I nagged him for hours just for these, such coldness is making me shiver." He winced and pulled out his phone out of his pockets and showed me a guy's twitter account. He's goodlooking huh? This family has high standards, it runs in the blood lol.

"By the way, his name is-" he was about to tell me that guy's name when suddenly Jisoo ran at us while yelling "I'm about to die! Save me please!"

I swear my dongsaeng is a kindergartner in an adult's body.

Jisoo's P.O.V

I just told Jennie that she looked like a dumpling with her cheeks, and now she's 'mad' at me, about to give me my 'death'.

"Joohyun! Save me from the mad mandu!" I yelled while running to their direction. I didn't bother calling her eonni so she raised her eyebrows.

"Do you really expect me to call your name with eonni in verge of death?!" I playfully yelled while hiding behind Jin.

"Yah kids! Let's experience the night life here later, but let's explore here. We already reserved something for all of us that I'm sure were all gonna enjoy!" aunt Dara cheerfully told us.


Aunt Dara lied, I'm not enjoying what we're doing right now, how do they expect me to enjoy riding a zip line when I have acrophobia? And now I'm sweating bullets.

"Come on Chu, we're the only ones left in this platform. I'm gonna go first okay? Don't be scared." Jennie assured me and kissed me on my cheek before the guy pushed her off.

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