Chapter Sixteen

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Jisoo's P.O.V

My feet hurts, badly. Jennie had been dragging me to every store she finds interesting, and every store in this very mall looks interesting. I feel like my legs are gonna run off due to Jennie's dragging and being whipped, just followed her around.

"Okay you stay here, I'm gonna look for something." she commanded like a mother would say to her child. I just nodded.

I sat on a long bench and touched my foot. My feet hurts, how can that girl shop for hours without being tired. I mumbled to myself, not knowing that someone is also sitting on the long bench, giggling about what I'm mumbling about.

"Is your girlfriend shopping too?" She asked me while smiling, showing her French accent and her dimples.

"Ah yes, she's been shopping for hours." I winced and she laughed.

"Mine too, they can never get tired while shopping, don't they?" she rambled and I agreed with her.

So people here are open about being gay, huh? Or maybe I'm just lucky to meet this nice and pretty lady here.

"How did you know that I have a girlfriend though?" I asked her.

"Well, I'm here when she said that you should stay here." She replied.

"I need a massage after this." I replied back in english with a strong Korean accent while looking at Jennie from afar.

"I'd do that too, so who's on top?" she smirked at me.

"I'd say it's me, but that would come out like I'm cocky, so I'd say that it's still me." I gave her a smug look while posing a gun below my chin and clicking my tongue.

"Wow, I like you already." she laughed and high fived with me.

"Sorry pretty lady, already taken by that cat." I playfully refused and pointed Jennie.

She was about to reply when someone pinched her ears and pulled it, making her whimper.

"There you are! I've been finding you but then you're just here sitting and chatting with a girl?" she glared at me and I can feel the vibes that comes off from Jennie when she glares at me, but of course hers is more powerful.

"Hey, my foot are hurting, and this girls has her girlfriend who's shopping for hours just like you." She pouted which caused her girlfriend to soften her features.

"Um, sorry Miss?," She didn't know me so I cut her off "Kim Jisoo" I smiled while replying "Ah I'm Blythe Sinclair by the way, sorry Ms. Kim Jisoo." She apologized and I just smiled at her, accepting her apology.

"So yeah, we're gonna go now. The name is Serena Baldacci." She introduced herself while copying my gun post earlier.

"Jisoo Kim" I replied with the same post and waved goodbye at them while they walked out of the store.

"Who are they?" Someone suddenly asked, and I jolted on my sit.

"Oh, the other one is waiting for her girl and the other is the shopping girlfriend, like us?" I giggled and she rolled her eyes.

"Let's go, are you hungry?" she linked her arms with mine and cling to me.

"Thought you'd never ask." I kissed the top of her head and she rolled her eyes for the second time.

"You should stop rolling your eyes, or I'm gonna make you roll your eyes myself tonight." I glanced at her while moving my eyebrows up and down.

"You pervert." She hit my arm, her cheeks being painted in crimson red.

"You should speak English more often, it's cool when I hear you talk in English." She glanced at me and shot me with a smile.

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