Chapter Twenty Three

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Jisoo glanced and sighed as she looked over her wrist watch, she was waiting for Nayeon. She was gonna tell her that she's going back home to Jennie.

After a few more minutes, Nayeon arrived at the place they had their lunch yesterday.

"What's up?" Nayeon sat down and raised her eyebrow at Jisoo, questionning her why the older girl had asked her to meet with her.

"I'm going home to Korea, your words knocked some sense into my head. So think of this as a thank you meal." Jisoo stated and the latter smirked.

"Jennie better thank me when we meet again." Nayeon clicked her tongue and shoved the food on her mouth.

"No appointments?" Jisoo asked as she sliced the steak on her plate, Nayeon shaked her head no and proceeded to eat.

"I cancelled all of my incoming appointments and told appa that I was coming home, he even teased me for coming back so early." Jisoo rolled her eyes at that, one week without her is like one year for her so no difference.

"When is your flight though?" Nayeon spared her a glance and got back into eating her food.

"Later." Jisoo glanced at her wrist watch for the second time.

"Three hours from now." She stated, making the younger girl frown.

"Did you already pack and bought a ticket?" The ash brown haired girl asked, worried about her friend rushing later.

"I already packed when I decided, and I don't need to book a ticket. We have a private plane." The purple head simply said as if it's normal to hear that they have a private plane.

The bunny-teeth girl choked while eating in the process.

"As expected from a top company heir." She blurted after recovering.

They kept on rambling and telling each other about things that happened to their lives, they didn't notice the time pass until the taller girl's phone started to ring.

Jisoo watched Nayeon as she talked back on the phone, answering the other person on the line with yes.

Atlast, Nayeon hung up and sighed.

"Sorry eonni, I have to go to my next appointment." Nayeon gave her an apologetic look but she shaked her head.

"Take care, I'll call you when I already landed." She patt younger girl's head like a kid.

Jisoo is now sitting inside the plane, she wanted to get home earlier.

The purple haired girl was worried about her thoughts, what if someone really replaced her? Or if Jennie does even like her back more than friends now after their pact?

She was too busy thinking that she didn't notice that someone is talking to her.

"Anything you would like, Ma'am?" Tzuyu, the flight attendant, fake coughed and asked Jisoo for the second time to catch her attention, It seems like she was off because she was just staring at nothing in particular.

Jisoo snapped out of it and noticed Tzuyu, who immediately smiled at her.

"No thanks, but I'll call you when I need something." Jisoo smiled back and Tzuyu stormed off.

Jisoo quickly called someone on her phone, after a few rings, the person on the other line answered.

"Yes baby girl?" A woman welcomed her with a gentle voice, making her relaxed.

"Tell them that I'm coming home please." Jisoo simply stated.

"Take care of yourself okay? I love you." the woman on the other line commanded her.

"Okay okay, I love you too." Jisoo answered and hung up.

Jisoo made her way into the bedroom and decided to sleep through out ghe whole flight.


Jennie's P.O.V

I'm currently watching my favorite movie all alone, the maknaes left me to have a date. But I guess it's okay since they promised they will give me milk ice cream when they get home.

My favorite part was coming up but to my dissapointment, my phone started to buzz.

I groaned and answered the phone without looking at the caller's name.

"Jennie-ssi, Jisoo's coming back." Aunt Soohye directly said it to me directly making me froze for a moment.

"W-when? Where?" I stuttered and my tears started to free fall from my eyes.

"Half an hour from now, Incheonjin airport." More tears started to flow and I quickly turned off the television.

"Thank you for telling me aunt Soohye." I thanked her and she bid her goodbye after giving me some good luck.

I quickly showered and dressed up, a little bit of time being wasted because I was having a difficult time choosing an outfit to wear just for Jisoo. But in the end I ended up wearing a cropped top with a green colored bottom along with black heels.


Jisoo would probably drool if she sees me like this, Jennie thought to herself and smirked.

After preparing herself she traveled to the airport where Jisoo is supposed to land.

Where she and her happiness are supposed to meet.

Jennie arrived at Incheonjin airport smoothly, her head moving left and right to see Jisoo.

There's a quite amount of people at the moment, and being the short girl she was, she hoped for Jisoo to not dye her hair and leave it as it was when she left, for her to easily spot her.

After looking out for Jisoo and some people bumping to her or her bumping to them and after some grumpy people shouted at her for not looking on where she's going, she finally spot a girl with a purple hair.

She was certain that it was her Jisoo, her hands started to tremble and sweat heavily, her breath being lightly hitched due to excitement and nervousness.

She subconsciously walked towards Jisoo, she was taking slow steps. Still processing the fact that Jisoo is there now.

Her eyes kept on looking at the taller girl, afraid that she might lost her, she fastened her pace.

She was near Jisoo when someone threw their self at the older girl.

She slowly stopped and looked at them, the other girl is smiling widely while she didn't see Jisoo's face as her back was facing her direction.

Her heart was shattering to pieces because of Jisoo, for the second time. She was blaming herself for not telling Jisoo what she felt for her sooner, maybe she stood a chance.

Jennie bit her inner cheeks to stop her sobs coming from her mouth. She managed to compose her self and stand on the ground, she kept her self strong, but it wasn't enough.

Jennie bitterly smiled and turned around. not wanting to see more of it, she ran away from the place.

Jennie ran away from her happiness.

Jisoo is her happiness but she is the reason why she's hurting too.

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