Chapter Seventeen

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Jennie's P.O.V

We're now chilling in the sofa and watching or switching to channels, which seems boring to me. We didn't travel all the way from South Korea to France to flip the channel here, didn't we?

"Chu, let's do something fun." I whined while stretching my arms, my body forming like a starfish.

"Like what?" she wiggled her eyebrows up and down.


"Not like that you byuntae!" I clinged my arms and leaned my head on her shoulders.

"What do you want to do then?" She faced me and I just shrugged since I don't have any ideas on where we can go here in France. Except Eiffel tower of course, who woudn't know that landmark? But I don't want to go there yet.

"How about let's go boating?" she suggested, which actually sounds good, I guess.

"Like those in the movies? Where they go ride boats while being the one to row it?" I asked since I don't really know what that means.

"Yes, wanna go?" She asked while swiping something on her phone, maybe searching for somewhere we can go boating or whatever they call it.

"Yes! But you'd be the one rowing." I stated and giggled.

"It's weird hearing you giggle but it's cute, If someone said that you're giggling back then, I'd laugh at their face and say it's impossible." She said amused.

"Yah! What do you mean?" I glared at her and she laughed.

"You give that 'I will slap you, don't talk to me' vibe, but you're cute and looks like a baby when you giggle." She stated which made me blush, a little. Okay maybe I look like a tomato.

"Aigoo, those cheeks. Squishy squishy." She cooed while staring at me dreamily and caressing my cheeks. Someone stop this girl, or maybe not.

"I-if I will be a good girl, will you buy me Gucci?" I pretended to struggle with my words and I used my baby voice as I blinked my eyes many times, and I think Jisoo just melted.

"Hey, you're using aegi voice again, you know I'm weak for that! But okay." She complained but still obliged which made me smirk.

"We'll buy you Gucci baby girl." She shot me a wink and this time, I think I'm the one who melted.


"Let's goooo!" I whined as I tug Jisoo while running to where the boats are.

"Geez, wait up!" Jisoo sighed as she caught me and wrapoed her arms on my waist protectively.

I sat on one of the boats that I think is the most pretty, Jisoo told me to choose whichever I wanted while she talks with the man whom I think is the owner of the boats.

She finished conversing with him and sat down with me as she holds the paddle and rows them slowly.

She knows to do this huh? Or she just asked that man earlier?

I opened my mobile and started playing 'Can't take my eyes off you' and sang along.

"You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you,

You'd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much.

At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive,

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you." I sang while pointing my fingers to her. And she just doesn't want to lose so she shot me a wink.

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