Chapter Eleven

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Jisoo's P.O.V

Today is the day of our first day of dating, why the hell am I talking like this? I've been feeling giddy and tingly since Jennie accepted my offer.
But I'm worried what will happen to me after this, I'll save that thoughts right now and be miserable later.

I had the urge to wake her up earlier, but she'll be pinching me to death if I did that, now I'm just lying beside her and playing games in my mobile while she has her arms wrapped around my waist and my left arm being her pillow.

It's been like this for awhile now and my arm is getting numb, but I just let it. I felt her move and I averted my eyes to her. She opened her eyes slowly then glanced at me.

I shot her a small smile and she greeted me while yawning.

"Morning Chu" she cooed at me like I'm a little kid.

"Morning, girlfriend" I grinned at her and she seemed to tense up for a second then relax as if she has just remembered our deal.

We were just staring at each other like fools when there was someone banging at the door.

"Hey lovebirds! Get up and get dressed, we're going to the airport in an hour!" Lalisa giggled outside while Jennie groaned.

"I'm going to take a shower." Jennie stood up and searched her way to the bathroom and stopped infront of the door.

"Wanna go in with me?" she smirked seductively while I gulped. So much for being the one who proposed this set up.

Before I could answer she got inside and slammed the door. I sighed and wiped my non-existent sweat.

"Jendeuk, I'll be downstairs at the kitchen! Don't spend too much time in there or I'll barge in!" I shouted at her and smirked.

"I heard that! As if you'll do that Kim Jisoo!" she shot back and I got infront of the bathroom door and hit it a few times to trick her that I'm going in.

"Oh my god Jisoo! Just go downstairs already!" she frustatingly groaned.

I was making my way to the stairs when I passed the maknaes room with its door slightly opened. I peeked inside and gasped loudly then barge in.

"What the hell bitches? It's still 7 in the morning and your hormones are already raging!" I said while my hands are on my hips.

"Ugh, do you know privacy eonni?" Lisa shot me a glare while Chaeng's face is in Lisa neck, probably blushing hard and doesn't want to show it.

"You banged my door earlier telling me we should get up and I found you like this. Plus the door isn't locked and I'm hearing moans outside, for all I know you could be harassing Chaeng." I shot her a glare and she just snorted.

"I'm going downstairs now, use protection kids!" I stormed off while laughing.

I found mom, aunt dara and eonni at the kitchen, probably preparing our breakfast. I feel like I'm the only one here who is useless when it comes to the kitchen, all I do is eat while they cook.

"What's up gorls, where's the bois?" I asked them, copying Gru's voice.

"The garage, they're checking up the cars." Irene eonni answered.

"Where's the gorls? Still upstairs? I told Lisa to make you guys get up, did she did it?" eomma asked, copying my voice earlier.

"I just saw the maknae doing things, It cannot be unseen, my eyes are not virgin anymore." I playfully sighed.

"What virgin? I saw you and Jennie cuddling when I peeked to see if you guys are awake earlier, you guys dating, Chu?" they all glanced at me, waiting for my answer.

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