Beach Fun

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A few minutes after Niall and Zac left, Ash, Tyler, Mint, and me begin planning for the pool party. We assigned the party essentials; Mint and Tyler in charge of the buying the food and Ash and me in charge of the decorations. We're now off to Tyler's car, Ash and Mint practically racing to the passenger's seat for shotgun.

"Brother versus best friend...who will be victory?" I whisper lowly.

"And it's...Mint by favoritism." I open the car door and take a seat beside my brother. The car starts and I look out the window when I suddenly hear my phone make a *ding*. Who could that be? I pull out my phone to see that I had gotten a message from an unknown number. Mmm...

*Sapphire? Hey, it's Niall here!*

I smile and unlock my phone to reply.

*Oh, hi Niall! May I ask how you got my number?😉*

I was a little hesitant with the winky face, but decided to keep it....and you probably don't care....

*You know, close resources.😉Hahahaha!*


While I wait for his reply, I change his number to: Nialler😊 (yes, with the Emoji too)


Nialler: yeop!

I smile, of course.

Nialler: The pool party still on tonight?

*Yeah, you and Zac still coming?*

Nialler: What if I said no?

I frown a little.

* and Mint would be pretty bummed.*

I have to admit, I was kind of, okay, really looking forward to seeing Niall tonight.

Nialler: Sapphire I'm kidding!

*You little poop! I actually fell for that!*

Nialler: We're definitely coming don't you worry

I'm about to reply when I feel the car stop. We're here already? I didn't quite know what to respond with, so I just sent him an Emoji. Ah...lifesavers they are.


We enter the mall and head our separate ways to buy our items. There's a variety of shops we could buy our things from, so Ash and me just go inside to the nearest one and start there.

"Oh yeah, what's the theme of the party anyway?" I ask as Ash and I grab a basket.

"Paradise Island! It's going to be epic!" Ash says as we start walking down an aisle. *Ding*

Nialler: ya cutie, can't wait t see you tonight

I blush and quickly reply.

*I'm looking forward to seeing your Irish face tonight too*

"Who's Nialler?" I hadn't even notice that Ash had been looking over my shoulder.

"An Irish bloke." I say smiling, just thinking about Niall gets me all giddy.

"Really, huh? Could you have a, I don't know, crush on him?" Ash says as he playfully nudges my shoulder.

"There's a possibility..." I say, pretending to be distracted by the items on the shelves. I remember the time that I had caught Ash texting "just a girl", as he told me, and I started teasing and bugging him until he told me the truth. I wasn't surprised when he told me it was his crush. I would always catch him smiling and laughing down at his phone. And look at him now, Ashley and him have been together for about 2 months now.

A Dream Come True (Zac Efron and Niall Horan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now