Park Break

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~Sapphire's P.O.V.~

I wake-up to hearing a loud yell...Mint. She blacked-out pretty bad last night, we all got really worried. Tyler, being the most worried (and angry), punching Zac in the process. I suddenly feel a stir beside me, oh yeah, Niall and Zac decided to stay here last night; Niall sleeping in my bed and Zac, well, on the couch. No way was Tyler going to let Mint sleep with Zac after last night's far Tyler and Zac are not at all getting along, I really wish they do soon though, I can see how much Mint likes Zac.

"Niall, you awake?" I ask, poking his cheek. I recieve a groan in reply before Niall's eyes slowly open.

"I am now." Niall says in his morning voice, smiling. I love his smiles.

"Sorry for this." Niall was laying on the very edge on the bed, confused, until I gave him a slight shove. I hear a low thud and look over the edge, suddenly feeling Niall grab me and lay me beside him. I giggle.

"Hahahaha!" Niall laughs. I don't how, but I just feel wide awake whenever Niall is a around.

"I can see you guys are awake now." Niall and me look up to see Ash leaning on the doorway of my room.

"Breakfast is ready!" Ash says before doing the 'I'm watching you' gesture with his fingers toward Niall. I heard a laugh and see Niall standing, reaching out his hand. I grab it and we walk into the dining room. Mmmm...I smell and look over to see eggs and bacon. My favorite! We (Niall, Tyler, Ash, Zac, and me) all start digging until we hear a yell.

"You ate without me!" I turn around to see Mint pouting. I laugh lightly, typical Minne. As she walks over she immediately notices Zac's black eye, Tyler hit him pretty hard. Poor Zac, Mint and him were just having fun.

"What happen to your eye Zac?" Mint asks turning his face toward her.

"I don't want to talk about it." Zac grumbles, shotting Tyler a glare.

"Ty, did you do this?" I can just hear Mint's anger in her voice.

"Why would you say that, my sweet baby sister!" Tyler says in an incocent voice. Tyler.

"Dude, you know that won't work on me! Now answer me!" I turn toward Niall and see him ready to say something and shake my head slightly.

"Yes, I punched him, only because he made you drink too much!" Tyler says, getting up from his seat. This isn't gonna end-up good.

"It was my fault that I drank in the contest, not his bro! You sometimes just make me wish that I didn't have a brother!" Mint yells before heading out the door.

"Minne!" I yell after her. I'm about to follow her out, but Ash stops me.

"Niall, stay here with my sister." Ash says as him, Tyler, and Zac head out to follow Mint. I think I have an idea where she's going, she only told me once, but I remember. She has a pretty rough past and I admire her for staying so strong.

"Saph, she'll be okay." Niall says ressuringly, pulling me into an embrace. We stay like that for awhile until I hear him speak-up.

"Hey, you want to go to the nearby park to take your mind off things?" I nod. He grabs my hand and we walk out the apartment. The park is just a couple of minutes from here.

We arrive at the park in no time, along the way Niall telling me about some stupid things him and the boys did, causing me to laugh.

"Swings!" I yell, running over to the swing set, earning a laugh from Niall. I can be pretty random and weird at times! I sit down and begin backing-up and start swinging my legs. Niall sits down on the swing next to me and we just start talking about random things.

After a couple of minutes it started raining, so I quickly jumped off the swing. Niall doing his little Irish dance, making me laugh, before grabbing my hand. During the way, we stop by this store that sells umbrellas and buy a huge umbrella.

"My lady." Niall says as he opens the umbrella, gesturing me to come underneath.

"Thank you kind sir." I laugh and walk under his arm.

When we get back to the apartment, I immediately notice Mint on the couch, soaked and cold.

"Sappy, could you hand me a hot towel?" I hear Tyler say. I quickly do so and give it to him.

"I should of never gotten mad at her. I am so stupid. I can't even take care of my baby sis. Uhhhhhh!" I hear Tyler mumble.

"Don't beat yourself up about it man." Niall says patting Tyler on the back. I lead Niall to my room, so we could give Tyler some space to calm down.

It was getting around lunchtime when I hear Tyler yell. Niall and me rush to the living room to see Mint awake.

"How did I get home? I thought I was taking a nap at our old house." I hear Mint mumble.

"Well, it started raining, so I took you back in...and sorry about making you angry." Tyler says, apologizing.

"It wasn't your fault, you are just being my brother and plus I overreacted." Mint says.

"Well, go and take a shower first." Tyler says. Mint slowly gets up and walk off to her room. After awhile of waiting for Tyler and Mint, we decide to go ahead and just meet-up at Wendy's. I sit with Niall in the back, Ash being the driver and Zac seating in the passenger's seat. I then message Mint telling her where we're going.

We arrive at the food place and rush inside since it was still raining. We all order and get back to our table to soon see Minne and Tyler come in. Then a few minutes later, I spot Ashley and Taylor come in too. I say 'hi' and hug them and take a seat, Niall to my left and Ash to my right. We get our food and start eating-up; it was still raining afterwards, so we all decide to just hang-out at Ash and Tyler's place. Niall and Zac having to go after some time.

"Bye Niall." I say from my seat in the car since we decided to drop off Niall and Zac off at their places. Ash, Ashley, and me in one car and Tyler, Taylor, and Mint in the other. I turn toward the window when I suddenly feel someone press their lips onto my cheek.

"Bye beautiful." Niall. My face gets all warm and I turn to see him closing the car door, smirking back at me. Oh, that Irish boy.

When we get back, we decide to just hang-out at Ash and Tyler's place for the rest of the day. Yup. We did some talking and played a couple of video games.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed reading! Have a great day or night wherever you are!

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