novemeber 9

86 2 0

Zac's POV

today is Minne mouse's birhtday, and she is turning 21.

me and the gang decided to plan her a awsome disney birthday.

i cant believe she hasnt been to disney yet!

So we are all meet ing at her and saphire's place with all our bags pack.

we pack for her too.

Breakfast is ready! will one of you wake, Minne up! Tayler said from the kitchen.

Yea, i will go! Me and Ty said at the same time. ( surpise sapphire didnt say she will, she and Minne are like bffae.)

me and ty race to her room and shout. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABY GIRL/BABE!

im sleepy. let me sleep! she whine before sunngling closer to Mr. fluffy.

well, i guess we will just without her! i said to Ty and we were about to walk out when she jump up and yelled, No, im up, just wait for me.

She went to shower while me and ty grab Mr. fluffy into the car.

when we got back she was in the dining room eatting.

hey, you didnt wait for us! We said.

dont shout at her she is the birthday girl! Tay and Ashley yell.

we grab our food and eat. it was all bacon anything bacon. it was awsome, i love Babe's b day. she has the the best chioce of food ever.

after breakfast we all gave her, her birthday present.

it was my turn and................

a trip for all of us to disney land! i said.

she grab me and kiss me, wow are her lips just so good. i am in love!

we all got ready and head to disney, we have to take a plane to anaheim calfifornia.

we are going to take two cabs. me, minne, Sapphire were in one. i feel so baad for Sapphire because Niall isnt here.

we rode the plane and cabs for the rest of the day and get to the resort at night. Minne slept for most of the day and but the best is that she was suggling on to me. we enter the resort and got our rooms, then head up and shower and off to bed. i snuggle her against me and off to dream land we go.



A Dream Come True (Zac Efron and Niall Horan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now