The Holidays

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*Christmas Eve...*

~Sapphire's P.O.V.~

"Hey, Sapphire. I'm going over to Ryder's for a bit, I'll be back later." I strain my eyes my laptop. I look up to see Minne quickly brushing her hair at my doorway.
"Oh okay, I'll just here." I say, waving her off before turning back down toward the screen.

"Are you alright Sappy?" Minne asks me suspiciously, starting to walk into my room.

"Yeah!" I answer back a little too loudly, causing her to stop walking any further.

"I mean...yeah. I'm great." I say smiling gently.

"Okay then, I'm leaving now." Minne says, a questioning look still apparent on her face.

I let out a soft sigh when I hear the door of the apartment close. I pull the covers of my bed off, revealing the perfume set I bought for one of Minne's presents. I'm going out today to pick up her other present. She's going to freak out when she sees it!

I quickly jump out of bed, starting to get dress. As I'm looking through my closet, I hear my phone vibrate on my bedside table. I don't even look at the actual message, the name across the screen already making me smile.
Nialler: hey saph! I'm really sorry I can't visit you over there. I'm missing you like crazy here!
My smile tugs downwards for a second before I continuing reading the next sentence which makes me blush.
*Don't worry about it Niall, spending time with family is important. I miss you too! xxx*

I take a glance at the time, realizing I have to get ready quickly before Kyoya arrives.


Ding! Dong!

I tuck my phone into my pocket, beginning to rush over to the door. I had a little time to spare before Kyoya arrived, spending it by messaging Niall. To be honest, it got me missing him even more than I did earlier. The thought of what happened before he left always makes me feel all giddy inside. That kiss...

"Hi Kyoya!" I greet him when I open the door.

"Hey Sapphire! You ready to go?" He says smiling at me. it just me or does he seem happier than usual? I then notice his attire; button up shirt, black jeans, and converse. His hair is also more tamed than usual, looks gelled almost, and he's not wearing his glasses. He definitely wouldn't get ready like this when he knows we're just going over to his place.

"What?" Kyoya asks, his eyebrows furrowing together, confused as to why I haven't said anything.

"Nothing. Let's go!" I smile at him innocently, closing the door behind me. I quickly lock it before joining his side, walking out of the building.

"Kyoya?" I call out as he pulls out his car keys.


"Do you have a date today?" I say, deciding to just flat out ask him. I fight the smile on my lips as he turns away, not quick enough though that I didn't catch a glimpse of his red cheeks.

"You're so guilty." I say, shaking my head as I walk to the other side of his car.

I sit in silence, giving him a chance to speak up and confess. After a minute of him staying quiet, I just burst.

"What's her name?" I say, turning toward him, observing his reaction.

"Samantha." A smile appearing as her name falls off his lips. AWWWWW!

"I see, so how did you guys meet?"

"At the library. She volunteers there, so I see her often whenever I go over there. I accidentally bumped into her as I was roaming the shelves, that's how we got talking about our major interest, our love for books. I asked her out yesterday, I'm taking her to lunch by the pier." Kyoya says, eyes steady on the road, a smile still apparent on his face.

"AWWW!" I exclaim, they are so cute for eachtother!

"How are Niall and you going?" I look out the window, my turn being the one to get all flushed.

"Pretty great. He's over in Ireland visiting family."

"Has he asked you to be his girlfriend yet?"

"No, not directly...we confessed our feelings for eachother" I look down at my lap, whispering the last part.

"AWWWWW!" Kyoya says, mimicking me, causing my face to heat up.

***An hour until Christmas***

"Can we just open up the presents?" Minne says, almost whining, giving Tyler her puppy eyes. 

"In an hour." Tyler says, stuffing a spoon of mashed potatoes into his mouth. We (Ashton, Ashley, Tyler, Taylor, Minne, Ryder, and Kyoya) are just finishing up dinner and Minne has practically been asking the same question over..and over again.

"Let's just play a bit of truth or dare to keep your mind off it Princess." Ryder suggests, to which everybody agrees on.

***12:00 a.m., Christmas***

"Yes! Finally!" Minne says, rushing over to where the presents were set underneath the tree.

"I'll open this first!" Minne says, picking up a present wrapped in blue paper A.K.A. my present.

"Purfume! Thanks Sappy!" Minne thanks, giving me a hug.

"There's another one where that came from." I whisper as the others start to open up the rest of the presents.


"Wait, before everybody leaves...I got another present for you Minne." I smile, looking over at Kyoya.

I quickly get up from my seat on the couch, running to my room. As soon as I open the door, Beau rushes to my feet, his chew toy between his teeth. I pick up the excited dog and walk back into where the rest are seated. I immediately notice everbody's eyes perk up, looking at what I hold in my arms. Minne's reaction is priceless!

"No. Way."

"He's all yours!" I say, placing Beau onto the floor.

"SAPPHIRE! THANK YOU!" I hug her back, surprised that she used my real name.

"Don't forget Kyoya."

"Kyoya?" Minne says, before giving him a gaint hug along with a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Sapphire, you should have let me in on it too." Ryder says, pretending to be bummed out.

*Earlier that day...*

"Before I left, he was sleeping. He's probably up by now." Kyoya explains, unlocking the door to his apartment. We don't even make it two feet inside when a cute brown and white dog comes running up to us.

"He's even cuter than the last time I saw him!" I exclaim, bending down to pet him.

"Yeah, he's a cuddler." Kyoya smiles as the dog leans into my hand.

"Thank you so much for taking care of him." I say, getting up to give him a hug. I got this Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Beau, last week and he's been living with Kyoya since.

"No problem." We pull away, looking down at where the bark came from.

"We better get going before Minne arrives back at the apartment."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A/N: I know...I haven't updated for a really long time now. I wrote most of this back in late December and I'm only now finishing it up.  I guess the next last few chapters won't come as a surprise and as to why we're ending it. All will be explained in the future chapters.

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