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~Sapphire's P.O.V.~
Wow, a week went by fast. The day I have to say goodbye to him has now arrived. I sit quietly on my bed, focusing down at my carpet, hoping it would somehow distract me. I faintly hear the others saying their goodbyes to Niall in the living room.
It's just a month. He hasn't even left yet and I'm already moping around...
"Hey." I snap out of my thoughts, not even having to look up to know who it is already.
"Hey Niall." I gaze up, meeting those blue eyes I love so much. He's leaned against my doorway, hands in his pockets, eyes trying to avert from mine, something he does when he's nervous or tense.
He lifts himself up, walking into my room until he's standing right in front of me.
"Saph, come here." I don't think twice before getting up to wrap my arms around his neck, something I've grown accustomed to. I don't even realize I'm tearing up until Niall speaks up, rubbing my back in comfort.
"Shhhhh, ya gonna make me cry." Niall jokes, trying to lighten up the mood.
"I'll miss you." I croak.
"I'll miss you too. I meant it when I said I had feelings for you." He says, wiping my stray tears away.

I pull away, so I could see his face. My eyes stare into his before trailing down to those lips of his. Before I know it, I'm leaning forward, closing the gape between us. I instantly regret it when I don't feel Niall react. Oh no...

I'm about to pull away when I feel Niall's hand against my cheek, his lips starting to move against mine. 

"Guys--oh, sorry." Niall pulls away, turning toward the door. I don't even bother to look, my mind going crazy at this point. Did that just...happen?
"Your, uh, pick up is here man."

"Thanks Zac, be there in a second." I'm still staring at the ground, my cheeks heating up mildly.


"I have feelings for you too Niall." I say quickly before my mind decides to say otherwise. I look up to see Niall smiling, causing a smile to appear on mine as well.

"I hope...when you come back...we can, uh...start where we left off." I say nervously, stuttering over my words.

"Of course." Niall says before wrapping his arms around me. 

"Bye Saph." Niall says, pulling away.

"Bye Niall." I say, giving him a peck on the lips.

A/N: I know it may seem that Niall and Sapphire's relationship is going nowhere, but I promise, it will get better! Woah, their relationship is confusing!

A Dream Come True (Zac Efron and Niall Horan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now