Zac's Friend

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~Sapphire's P.O.V.~

I had just finished getting dressed "pretty" as Minty (Minne) requested me to do so. I decided to just change into a hoodie and tie my hair up; not necessarily "pretty", but it will have to do. All Minne told me was that Zac and her would be going to a basketball game. I so classify that as a date! I suddenly heard the doorbell. Must be Zac.....

-Minne's P.O.V.-

I heard the door rang and i guess Sapphire heard it too. Cause when i got to the door, Sapphire was there too. I open the door and welcome Zac in while the two were just in shock. I let the two boys in. Zac gave me hug. and the other two finally snap back to reality.

"Niall, this will be the girl you will be keeping company tonight." Zac said. " and this is the beautiful girl i told you about that i am taking to the game."

"Awwwww, thanks" i thank.

"Sapphire and Minne, right?" Niall ask.

"Y-Yea" Sapphire rely shaking in the inside.

" Well we will be off now, hope you two have a good night" Me and Zac said leaving.

We got outside, and The frst hting in sight was his flashy black convertible. I was just in shock.

"Woah, is this your car? i alway wanted one but that are like so expensive." I said, while kind of still in shock.

We got in and were off, to the game.

" So whos playing today?" i ask.

"Los Angeles Lakers and Chicago Bulls." Zac reply.

"Cool, i love the the lakers." I said now a bit hyper.

"Cool, i go for the same team!" Zac added. " you know, at frst, i thought you would not have any interest in this, but i can see you seem excited to see them play.

"Yea, and this is the first time, i have ever seen them play live." i Said " i am so excited. "

" i am glad to be your first." He said.

We have arrive. and i was so hyper, that i did even wait for him to open the door. i just shot out and then pull him behind me to the front of the arena to get in. But i guess it did go so well because when i pull he did move which end in me fall on him. We enter and sat in the front row seats.

We talk about ourself, while waiting for people to pile in and the game to start.

The game is about to start. The two teams cheerleaders come out then the team players and finally the mascot.

I was so excited that i didnt realize i was shaking Zac. the first half was ok, Lakers won some points then the bulls won some you know what i mean.

Then something happen. They pick someone to try and shot an basket. Zac was pick, eeeeeeeeeeee!

I wanted to be pick but it ok. Zac went to shot but his pants were too tight so he fail. I was laughing so hard that i did make a sound.

He came back and i still couldnt stop, then the weirdest thing happen. He went up to the lakers team and ask if he can borrow the ball for a sec. He then handed to me and said, see if you can do better.

I went to shot and ace it. Did my happy dance and went back to my seat, hahahaaha.

We watch the rest of the game. When over we were both hungry so we drove a near by ice cream shop and bought ice cream. When we got back to me and Sapphire's place and found the two asleep together on the sofa.

~Sapphire's P.O.V.~

As soon as Mint and Zac left, I immediately felt awkward and nervous. Oh no, not this again...

"Um...hi." I say shyly, turning my gaze to the ground. What am I suppose to do now?

"Hey, fancy meeting you here." Niall says. I smile and look up to see him smiling too.

" you want to watch a movie?" I suggested. I really don't want to come off as a boring person (even though I probably am).

"Sure! What movie?" Niall asks, following me to the rack of DVDs. We search through them until I pick-up a possible movie we could watch.

"Avengers?" I ask, holding up the case. It's only then that I notice that Niall had picked a movie too.

"Yeah! I love that movie! You want to watch 'Mama' afterwards?" Niall asks hopefully. I absolutely hate horror movies, but I didn't want to seem like a baby or something..

"Um..sure!" I say trying to sound excited.

I put in 'Avengers' and walk over to the couch, taking a seat on the opposite side that Niall was sitting on.

"Oh yeah! Popcorn!" I say as soon as the movie came on.

"You need some help?" Niall asks from the couch. I don't know why, but I suddenly feel my face get all warm...

"I think I can manage, but thanks." I say shyly, smiling a bit.

After a while, I heard the microwave beep and put the popcorn in a bowl.

"Popcorn is served." I say placing the bowl in between us.

During the movie, our hands touch a couple of times when we reach for popcorn. Each time causing me to blush and hide behind my hair. After an hour or so, the (awesome) movie ends and I put in 'Mama'. By now, the bowl was empty, so I decide to place it in the sink. This now leaves the space between me and Niall empty once again. The movie begins and all I could think about am I going to make it through this?

I don't know how, but I somehow end-up right beside Niall during the beginning of it. Fear already getting the best of me.

After a couple mintues or so, a scary scene pops-up and I couldn't help it, but clutch my hands onto Niall's shirt and bury my face into it.

"Sapphire, it's alright." Niall says rubbing my back gently. I suddenly hear a scream and wrap my arms around his neck. I'm so being a scardy-cat right now, but I just couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, reluctantly pulling my arms away around his neck only for them to be wrapped again when another scary scene happens.

I don't know what it was, but after a while I start feeling sleepy...maybe it was his steady heartbeat and warmth...

I'm not sure if I was dreaming or not, but I suddenly feel pressure being applied to my head and waist.

-Niall's P.O.V.-

During the middle of the movie, I feel Sapphire's head start to droop and her arms start to loosen.

"Sapphire?" I whisper, shaking her gently. No reply. I carefully lift her chin up and find her eyes closed. She's beautiful...woah, what? I spot a blanket and carefully wrap it around her.

Yawn. How am I already sleepy?

I don't fight against it, letting my eyes close, and subconsiously wrap an arm around Sapphire, resting my head on top of hers.

A/N: I know the last part of this chapter is a bit cheesy, but...oh well! Hope you enjoyed it!

A Dream Come True (Zac Efron and Niall Horan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now