A no so crazy day

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Minne's pov

*trying to open my eyes*

"Ahhh! its too sunny!" i squeal to myself. "my head fucken hurt so much!"

"Here take this pill, baby girl!" Someone said.

I finially able to open my eyes. To see it was Ty. "Thanks bro." i added.

"Go take a shower." He called leaving my room, (i wonder how i end up in my room, when i was at the pool last night.) Well any way i listen to my brother, took the pill and head off to take a shower, afterward change in to a pair of black short shorts, and a matching tank top. I brush my hair till it was neat and straight. Then i head off to the living room to find everyone there eatting, "you ate without me!" I pout.

Then i knowtz that Zac and Niall were still here. And Zac has a black eye. "Mmm, what happen to your eye, Zac?" I ask.

"I dont want to talk about it!" Zac said giving Ty a secert glare.

"Ty, did you do this?" I say getting angry.

"Why would you say that, my sweet baby sister!" He say as sweetly as possible.

"Dude, you know that wont work on me! Now answer me!" I said.

"Yea, i punch him, only because he made you drink too much." Ty said.

"It was my fault, that i drank in the contest, not his, bro!" I yell, "you sometimes just makes me wish i dont have a brother!"

I am so fustruated right now, i need a break from him. I decided to head out and get some fresh air.

I head off to the only place i know that i could let my anger. Down the street and and in to an ally. I enter the door and signal the gruard to let him know i will be fight as soon as possible. I head close to the stage to watch as the battle before mines go down. A guy was geeting beat by the other in to shit. I was enjoying it. When a Ryder(a guy that works at the place and a good friend of mine) came over hand me the bandage for my hands and then start raping one of my hands.

"so long time no see!" He said.

"I know, and you know why i come here for." i responded.

"Well good lucks and i will deal with anyone that come to stop!" He said, " that what friends are for right?"

"Thanks, dude." I added.

After a few more mins, the battle ended and it was my turn. They call my name and i head up. I see that my first was a guy, nice i get to beat the shit out of a guy. I now had full interest in me. Then the battle begin, i couldnt hold my anger anymore i punch the dude hard in the face and then continue letting my anger out. Soon the guy was down and i had won. I now feel better. Then i knowtz that Ty, Ash, and Zac was here. They were getting held back. I won, meaning i get to continue, so now i get to fight the guy that just beat a guys soul out before my match. I am ready to beat up that guy. the match start and i go back to my battle mode. I finish the the match winning in 5mins. I know had all my anger out. I feel much better, since now my brother was heading my way. Got to run! I said in my mind. I bounce out off the stage and scramble to the back door where I could escape easily. I head toward our old house and when I got there I climb on to the roof and just lay down, since this was always my peace place. It bring back good memories unlike other people when someone die they remember all the bad. I lay there, and soon fell asleep.....................


Minne, just ran out of the house. I knew exactly where she is going. I was going to need some help, so I signal Ashton to come. We were off, and the dude Zac follow. So the three of us ran all the way to the place and was block by the guard. We fight but more guy came and held us back, so we gave up and Minne was up. She was beating the dude like there was no tomorrow, so she won. She knowtz us but she continue with the next fight and win again.

Since everyone was paying attention to her we decided this was the perfect moment to just run toward her!!! But she was fast, we saw her rush out the back door and she was gone. Soon it started to raining. And I knew the last place I could search, OUR OLD HOUSE! I ran for it and look around the house and hrs found her on the roof. I ran up and see if she was ok, but she had black out already and was cold. I grab her, and without waiting for the other two, I ran home.

Settling her down on the sofa with a towel under her. I have Sappy get me a hot towel and place it on her head, then scan her temperature to find that she has a flu.

"I should of never got her mad. I am so stupid. I can even take care of my baby sis. Uhhhhhhhhh!" I mumble to no one. When i enter back in to the room i found that Zac was holding her in his arms.

Maybe he could be an good enough guy for her. But i wont be sure till i get to know him better. I still dont fully trust him after how he got a sis drunk. Around lunch time, Minne woke up!

"You finially wake up, princess!" i said to her, since she was laying on me now, since i told him to change from his wet clothes to some old clothes of mine.

" how did i get home, i thought i was taking a nap at our old house." She mumble back.

"Well it started raining so i took you back in." I reply. "and sorry about making you angry."

"It was not your fault, you are just being my brother, and plus i overreacted." she added.

"well go and take a shower, first." I added.

She slowly got up and walk off to her room. After like a 20mins i went in to her room to check on her. (it not the first time i walk in to her room randomly.)

Minne's Pov

I forgave my brother. I head to my room to take a shower, because if i dont, Ty will drag me in there and wash me himself. (i know freaky.) I decide to take a 30mins shower. when i was finish. i grab my towel, wrap it around me and head back to my room to find some clothes. "hey sis, what took you so long?" Ty said laying on my bed shotting my basketball stuff pillow at the hoop across the room.

"i felt like it and why, are you in my room?" i question back.

"Well, i was bored waiting for you outside, because we are eating out." i reply. "so hurry up!"

I grab my clothes told him to turn and then put it on. i was now wearing a pair of light blue shorts, and a t shirt.

"i am done!" i said, "lets go!"

We head out, "can i drive?" i ask.

"Fine, but don't crash my car!" he said staring me down.

i got in the driver seat while he got in the passenger seat. Then i zoom off, i am not hte best driver.

We arrive at Wendy's and ran in since it was still ranning and we didnt bring an umbrella. we head in and spot the others.

"hey, people!" i said, sitting between Zac and my brother.

"did you guys order for us?" Ty questioned.

"Na, it was too far!" Ash said pretending to be me.

"whatever, i will go, what do you want bro?" i said getting up.

"#5 please, princess!" Ty reply.

i head off to order, getting myself the same as Ty. "Three #5 please!" i said remebering Tayler was coming and she has the same tast as me and Ty.

After getting it, i walk back to find Ashley and Tayler were here. I hug them both and then i sat down now between Tay and Zac. Then hand the the two there food. We all eat and chat, soon we were finish. we decide since it was raining we would go home and just hang. Well, Zac and Niall had to go home because they had work later. So me, Tay, and Ty in one car. While the other three in another. I got to drive with Tayler next to me because we made Ty sit in the back.

When we got back we decided to hang at Ty and Ash's place.(which is right next me and Sappy's apartment.) we the me and the two boys play COD while the three girls do what girly girls do. So that what happen for the rest of the day................

A Dream Come True (Zac Efron and Niall Horan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now