My Broken Story

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*One Week Later...*

~Sapphire's P.O.V.~

"Minne?" I whisper, shaking her slightly. It's almost noon and she's still asleep, probably stayed up last night talking to her "Zacy". I shake her one more time, just causing her to turn away from me.

"Minne!" I yell, pulling away from her. Wow, still not awake, huh?

"Fine, I'll just tell Zac to leave..." I say, walking over to her door. I hear a loud groan before actually words leave Minne's mouth.

"Tell him I'll be ready in ten minutes." I hear Minne mumble. Gotcha ya.

"Minne!" I laugh.

"What? Just tell Zac I'll be ready soon." As soon as she says this, it only causes me to laugh even harder. She is not catching on.

"Minne, Zac's not here." I say, trying to tone down my laughter.

"So you just woke me up for no reason? That's just cruel." Minne says.

"No...I need your advice." I say softly, taking a sit at the end of her bed.

"Really? My advice? I'm just gonna take that as a compliment."

" ex-"

"Wait, you have an ex-boyfriend?!" Minne says surprised, her eyes wide. Oh yeah, I never told her...

-Flashback (to the high school days, senior year)-

"Remember class, essay on the 'American Revolution'. Due next week!" Our history teacher, Mr. Limmer, reminds us as we head out.

"Essay on the 'American Revolution'..." I quietly say to myself, quickly writing it down in my planner. Another week without Minne, I mentally remind myself. She's supposedly visiting her sick grandma, at least that's what she told our principal. Minne is actually on a "Europe Tour" with her brother and his girlfriend for three months. Three months without my best friend. So far it's only been two weeks...

"Have a nice day Mr. Limmer!" I say, collecting my stuff.

"Hope so. Have a nice day yourself Ms. Lively!" Mr. Limmer says, looking up from his papers.

"Tell Ms. May I hope her grandma gets better!" He adds as I make my way to the door.

"Will do!" I say, smiling quickly. Yeah, I'll just tell her to enjoy her vacation...

As soon as I made it a few feet away from the classroom, I suddenly feel myself collide into someone.

"Sorry!" I immediately say, my eyes meeting these dark green ones. It's only 10% of the time, that accidents like these aren't my fault, but being my clumsy self, it just comes naturally. It's become a habit now for the word 'sorry' to just escape lips. The more you know?

He smirks before walking around me. What was that suppose to mean? And why does he look familiar?

"Sapphire!" I suddenly hear my name be called.

"Do you know who that was?" My friend, Anna whispers, running up to me.

"Caspar." Anna says, noticing my confused expression. Oh, I think I've heard Minne mention that name before.

"The...jock?" I question, trying to remember what Minne told me before. Sorry, I don't really pay attention to these kind of things, at least, I try to. It's kind of hard to avoid when Minne is pretty popular herself.

"Yeah! That Caspar." Anna nods, following me to my locker. I put my my textbook away and grab my stuff for the next period.

"What class do you have next?" Anna asks, changing the subject (Hahaha! Get it? Changing the subject and switching classes? I think it's funny.) when she notices my unamused face.

A Dream Come True (Zac Efron and Niall Horan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now