Barbecue, Fireworks, And....Frustrations?

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~Sapphire's P.O.V.~

"Mmmmm..." I roll over and grab my iPhone off the bedside table. 10:04am

I look below that and notice the words 'Independence Day' in bold....ugh. It's not that I hate this holiday or anything! It's just that I slept quite late last night and....SLEEEEEP!

I pull the duvet over my head, ready to go back to sleep, when I suddenly hear a loud...horn? Followed by a bunch of yelling. Oh great, now I really have to get up now.

I reluctantly pull myself out of bed and walk over to my closet, picking out some comfy clothes. I then scurry off to the bathroom running (not literally) into Ash and Tyler.

"Morning Sapphire!" Ash says teasingly, pinching my cheeks.

"Hi guys." I mumble before entering the bathroom to get all cleaned up.

After my shower I'm feeling much more awake and fresh!😁 I walk into the dining room to see bacon eggs. Interesting. It's only then when I take a seat beside my brother that I notice Tyler's girlfriend, Taylor is here.

"Oh, hey Taylor!" I say smiling before starting to eat up.

"Good morning Sappy!"

A few seconds later, Mint appears and we (Me, Mint, Ash, Tyler, and Taylor) begin to talk about the barbeque we're planning to have, just a little get together to celebrate the holiday. Afterwards Mint, Tyler, and Taylor leave to go grocery shopping. I'm not sure what to do while I wait for them until I hear my phone suddenly *ding*. When I check who messaged me, a smile immediately appears on my face.

Nialler: Hey, you awake beautiful

Before I walk over to my room, I hear Ash talking to someone on the phone.

"Ashley? Babe! We're having barbecue, you care to join us?" Ash says smiling.

"Hi Ashley!!!" I yell, entering my room.

*Morning Nialler 😝*

Nialler: Wazaaap!

I laugh, attached to his message was a selfie of him.

*Hahaha! Cute🙊*

Nialler: Too much eyebrow?😉

*No, you're perfect*

It's only after it sends that I realize what I typed. Wow Sapphire...

*I mean GOOD!*

I squeal! inner fangirl is coming out. Everything escalated so bumping into Niall, finding out Zac is friends with Niall, and then me hanging out with Why am I only realizing this now? A *ding* from my phone breaks me away from my thoughts.

Nialler: Perfect, huh? Thought you were😎

Ugh, even through messaging he can make me blush! I'm surprised ones ever called's definitely something new. He's probably just joking around.

*You weirdo!😝*

Nialler: Ya dont believe me, do ya?

This boy! I swear!

*Niall! Drop it*

Nialler: Fine, i'll just make it my mission t prove it t ya

*Yeah, we'll see Horan*

I wait for his reply when I suddenly hear a yell.

"We are baaack!!!"


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