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"One, two, three!" Mr. Lee shouted. It was his way of silencing pupils. And it never worked. Everyone just continued talking. There was a bulging vain on mr. Lee's forehead, and his face turned red from anger. He was sweating and his glasses kept sliding down his nose.

A loud bang was heard and it was quiet. Mr. Lee had smacked a broom on the table of Hyunjin. He looked at him with big eyes. "Ah, now you're quiet." "When I say you have to stop talking, you stop talking! Understand?!" mr. Lee screamed in the boy's face. He nodded and looked down.

Chaeyoung sighed. Every class they had from mr. Lee was a disaster. Mr. Lee was a History teacher and he was agressive, boring and mean. He was never nice to anyone. Mr. Lee was a tall man, who looked kind of gross, like he hasn't showered in about a month. His grey hair was greasy and his moustache was full of clumps of coffee and food. He always wore the exact same shirt and trousers, and shoes with dried mud and other stuff on it, that Chaeyoung couldn't remember seeing it ever before.

Chaeyoung didn't understand how he ever got this job. He has told he has worked on this school for 30 years. The headmaster of the school also wasn't that much of a nice guy so that might just be it.

"Finish exercises 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 for tomorrow. You have 10 minutes left so if you are smart then you should do it now."

Chaeyoung opened her workbook and quietly filled in the exercises. She was tired. She barely slept last night. She had a feeling that someone else was in her room, which was stupid ofcourse. There was absolutely no one. She put her hand in front of her mouth and yawned. She should sleep early tonight, she thought by herself.

Chaeyoung's best friend Jisoo patted her shoulder. "Do you have the answer for exercise 4? I don't get it" she said. Chaeyoung smiled. "Yes sure." Chaeyoung shoved his workbook in Jisoo's direction and she wrote the answer down.

"Park Chaeyoung, Kim Jisoo! No cheating! Be quiet and make the exercises yourself!" Mr. Lee shouted. Could he ever just say something calmly? "Yes sir," both of them answered. They slightly looked at each other with a smile and made their exercises.

Just when she finished the last exercise the bell rang. Chaeyoung put her books in her backpack and walked to the cantine with Jisoo. "Oh look, there is Jennie! And Lisa!" Jisoo pointed at their other friends. They walked over to them and sat down.

"Hey, how was History class with mr. Lee?" Jennie asked. "Horrible as always. I can't stand that man." Jisoo sighed and ate her lunch. "Well Physics wasn't fun either," Lisa said. "I don't understand you chose it anyways" Chaeyoung said. "Because i'm quite good at it, but I don't like it that much." "Yeah, that's true. I quite liked learning about the past but having mr. Lee for History is hell!" Chaeyoung sighed. "I agree. Last year when mr. Choi was our teacher it was more fun. He's a nice man and makes a lot of jokes," Jisoo said.

The girls ate their lunch and talked about their classes and some other girls stuff until the bell rang. They all stood up and Chaeyoung walked to her English class with Lisa. Almost every class she had at least one of her friends with her, except for Geography, because the other 3 chose Economy class.

Chaeyoung and Lisa sat down in the back of the class and grabbed their books. Just one lesson to go and they will be done.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo were sitting on her bed in Chaeyoungs room. Chaeyoung has grabbed a bag of potato chips and Coca Cola bottles. Jisoo told her about a movie she liked so they decided to watch together. "Which movie is it?" Chaeyoung asked. "Ah you'll see," Jisoo said smiling, and she stuffed her mouth with potato chips.

"I really liked the movie, Jisoo." "I'm glad you did, it's fun right?" "Yes," Chaeyoung said smiling. "I'm so happy you came back to live in South Korea again, i'm glad we are friends now," Jisoo said. Chaeyoung laughed. "Awe, you're so sweet Chu Chu."

Chaeyoung had lived in Australia and New Zealand most of her life, as Roseanne Park. Her dad had a job in Australia at first and then her family moved with her to New Zealand, because Chaeyoung wanted to study there. 3 years ago they decided to come back and luckily she found her best friends. Chaeyoung smiled at the thought of her friends, she really adored them.

Chaeyoung looked in the mirror and fixed her hair a bit. She sighed. "My hair is being stupid," she mumbeled. "Ah no, it's pretty!" Jisoo said. "Thank you Ji-." Chaeyoung wasn't able to finish her sentence. "Ji?" Jisoo asked with a frown. She was confused. "Look at that!" Chaeyoung pointed at her mirror. "What's with your mirror?" Jisoo asked.

"It... It's like my mirror is staring back at me?" Chaeyoung couldn't believe her eyes. What was happening? "What the hell are you saying?" Jisoo laughed. "What do you mean? Look at the mirror!" Chaeyoung pointed at her mirror again. "Why? There is nothing wrong with it!" Jisoo said.

Nothing wrong with it? Then why did she see those piercing eyes looking at her, staring into her soul? Those piercing brown eyes. Chaeyoung looked closely, but suddenly they were gone. "You must be tired Chae, go to sleep. I will see you later" Jisoo stood up and laughed. Chaeyoung stood up and walked to the front door with Jisoo. "I'm sure there was something..." "You have too much fantasy, dear," Jisoo said, "get some sleep now. Goodbye Chae!" Jisoo hugged Chaeyoung and left, cycling to her home.

Chaeyoung walked up the stairs again. She was 100% sure she saw something. She saw eyes. Beautiful brown shiny eyes. Well maybe not 100%. It was late and she was tired. Chaeyoung walked back to her room and seated herself on the bed. She kept staring at the mirror but the eyes didn't come back. She found it strange. Chaeyoung shrugged it off and grabbed underwear, sweatpants and a sweatshirt and walked over to the bathroom to shower.

After her shower, Chaeyoung carefully dried her hair and washed off all the makeup that was left on her face. Chaeyoung yawned and brushed her teeth. She walked over to her room again and closed the door. Chaeyoung looked at her phone and smiled when she saw her mom's goodnight message. Her parents were on a holiday for a few days in Australia. They would come back next Sunday.

When Chaeyoung put her phone away to go to sleep she noticed her room was different. It felt different. She looked at her mirror. The eyes were back.

Hii here is the first chapter!
Yes I use some kpop idols for my story, like the BLACKPINK members and Hyunjin from Stray Kids. I hope you liked this first chapter and those mysterious eyes in the mirror 👀👀


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