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Step 1, 2 and 3 were now cleared. Only 4 more to go. It has been 2 weeks since Chaeyoung discovered Jimin in her mirror, and she got pretty close to him. Her parents were not so happy though.

They didn't know about Jimin, but Chaeyoung was in her room a lot, and barely downstairs, and her parents barely saw her coming out of her room. They had scolded her, and Chaeyoung told Jimin, and he looked sad but he understood why they were mad.

Chaeyoung found it hard not to be around him all the time. He gave her a safe and happy feeling. But she also had to go to school, so Jimin was alone a lot lately.

The next morning she left for school, she almost bumped into Jisoo. "Hey Chae!" she said, "how are you today?" "Hi! I'm fine," Chaeyoung smiled. "Let's cycle to school together!" "Sure!"

Just when Jisoo and Chaeyoung arrived at school, the bell rang. The two girls hasitly ran inside and walked to their class. They had History class together.

They sat down in the back so they could easily talk together during class. Although Chaeyoung found History an interesting subject, it was the first class of the day and she wasn't fully awake yet.

"Goodmorning everyone!" Mr. Lee spoke after everyone was present. "Today we will discuss about..." Chaeyoung didn't even listen anymore. She was very tired and just kept drawing circles in her workbook. Jisoo grinned at her and patted her back.

It seemed to be taking hours until mr. Lee was finally finished. He talked almost the whole time. The bell rang. "Remember the things I said! Do exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, and read the part in the textbook!"

The class stood up and walked out of the classroom. "Why does he always have to pick on me? I did nothing wrong!" a boy from Chaeyoungs class, Hyunjin, mumbled. "You were asleep during class. That's not allowed you dumbass," Felix mumbled. Felix was a transfer student from Australia. Chaeyoung had lived there too, they could get along quite well. Hyunjin and Felix were kind of the popular guys in class. They only chose History because a lot of girls chose it.

Beside Jisoo and Chaeyoung there were 12 other girls that chose History, and only 4 more boys, who were kind of the nerdy ones. Hyunjin and Felix were just very busy with girls and not with school at all.

After a long day at school, Chaeyoung arrived at her own house. She took off her jacket and shoes and grabbed a chocolate bar and a Coca Cola can and went upstairs. Her parents weren't home until 18:00 pm anyway.

She walked into her room and quickly said a 'Hey Jimin' but there was no respond. She looked at the mirror but saw no one. Maybe he was exploring a bit.

Chaeyoung sat down on the chair in front of her desk and opened the chocolate bar. She loved to eat chocolate, and she knew she ate too much, but she doesn't really gain weight, so she didn't focus on the calories of food.

"Hey Chaeyoung," a voice said. Chaeyoung turned around and saw Jimin in the mirror with a smile. "Hey, where have you been?" she asked. "I took a shower. I found a shower here," he explained when Chaeyoung saw his towel and wet hair. "Ah, okay," she nodded.

Chaeyoung ate and drank while doing her homework for English. She finished it quickly because when she was young she had lived in New Zealand and Australia. She was born in New Zealand, but her parents are both Korean from origin. Later they moved to Australia, where she grew up, so she spoke English really well.

She was the best in her class, together with Felix, since he is Australian too. There is another Australian boy at school, Chan, he in the same year, but there are more classes for English because almost everyone studies English. He used to be in the same class as them before, but changed because of bad concentration, since he was playful in class.

Chaeyoung quickly finished her homework and sat down in front of the mirror. "So what did you do today?" Chaeyoung asked him. "Nothing much, I slept and took a shower and I was just... thinking." "Thinking? About what?" Jimin wanted to say "you", but quickly mumbled something about the steps.

Jimin had looked into the book and saw step 4 was harder than the previous ones. It was a personality test. Chaeyoung and he needed 75% match to succeed and move to step 5. They couldn't do anything, they just had to get along very well, so Jimin was sure this would be a success. Although... they might have to share some secrets, and they can't lie, because then the percentage will go down.

Later that day, when Chaeyoung told her parents she was going to bed, she changed into her pajamas and sat in front of the mirror. Jimin had some blue pajamas on too, and looked absolutely adorable.

A pop was heard and they both looked up. In the mirror there was a "1%" sign written. "What is this about?" Chaeyoung asked curiously. Jimin smiled and explained how step 4 worked and Chaeyoung nodded. "That can't be too hard right? We can go along well, and look! It's already on 3%!" Chaeyoung said cheerfully.

Jimin laughed at the cute sight of Chaeyoung laughing. He felt his heartbeat raising. He was in love with Chaeyoung. Would that help? Him being in love? But what if it's onesided? Would the percentage lower? Jimin hoped not. She probably did not love him back. How could she love him back?

"I'm gonna sleep, okay?" Chaeyoung said. "Okay, sleep well Chaeyoung," Jimin said smiling. "Goodnight Jiminie," she replied when she layed down.

Jimin stared at her. She looked so beautiful falling asleep like this. Without makeup and her hair spread all over the pillow. She looked so peaceful. He loved watching her fall asleep. It might even be his favourite part of the day. The part where he can look at her like this, with no one seeing it.

Hey hey everyone!
Here's a new update! Sorry it took so long, I updated my other books first.
Hope you enjoyed this!

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