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"We did it!" Chaeyoung cheered loudly. Jimin smiled widely, which made his eyes disappear, while dimples appeared and picked up the golden key. "Yes! We did it!" Jimin laughed. He fondled the key in his hands, observing it closely.

It was gold, a shiny shade of gold, with a beautiful bird carved in the back of the key. "But what do we use it for?" Chaeyoung asked him. "I have absolutely no idea. Let's find out tomorrow."

The next day when Chaeyoung woke up, Jimin was already up, reading the old book and observing the key again and again. Jimin looked up and a light smile formed on his face, and closed the book. "Goodmorning Chaeyoungie!" Jimin cheered. "Goodmorning! You're up already!" Chaeyoung stated while sitting up straight. "I woke up very early. I couldn't sleep." Jimin sighed.

Chaeyoung noticed he was tired, and at the same time very energetic. "Anyways! I was searching for any information about the key this morning. I haven't found much yet but it's bonded with a special door, somewhere," Jimin told her.

Chaeyoung frowned. "A door? Is the-," Chaeyoung abruptly stopped. She swore Jimin had orange stripes in his hair the other day, right? "Jimin, the stripes are almost gone and... it's... curly." Jimin frowned and touched his hair. "You're right... It must have been like this since this morning. Because we completed the first step, you know?" Chaeyoung nodded. That must be it.

"Is it stupid?" Jimin asked. "No, you look cute!" Chaeyoung said. He was wearing an adorable outfit today. He wore a red overall and a black sweater with red stripes on the sleeves. It would look childish on some people but he made it look cute.

"Why do you ask that everytime though?" "I don't want to look bad in front of you," Jimin said. Chaeyoung slightly blushed and just smiled. Why would he try his best to look good for her? She doesn't put that much effort in it either.

"So what's step two?" Chaeyoung asked later that night. It was Sunday and the hot temperture from the afternoon had cooled down. She sat down on the floor in front of the mirror and smiled at Jimin.

"We have to find the door where this key fits in, to open it, in order to go to step 3," Jimin read from the old book. "But how do we find that door? There are lots of doors in the world you know..." Chaeyoung mumbled. "I think I have to search for a door here... Wherever I am. Although it will be hard on my own," Jimin sighed.

"I wish I could help you and be with you there, but that's impossible and I have school tomorrow," Chaeyoung stated. "We will figure something out. Let's do it tomorrow night okay? I am really tired right now." "Okay Jimin, sleep well, take care." He smiled and said a soft goodbye and he was gone.

"Yah! Chaeyoung-ah, how is your mirror doing?" Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. Jisoo just wouldn't let go of it. "I'm sorry, it's just too funny. It's such nonsense," she grinned. "How could there ever be someone or... something in a mirror!" she laughed.

Chaeyoung felt her heart sting. It hurt her that her friend talked like this. "Stop it!" Chaeyoung said roughly. Jisoo saw she hurt Chaeyoung and immediately apologized. The bell rang and Chaeyoung whispered a small "it's okay" and went to her English class.

Jennie and Chaeyoung sat together in English class. English used to be one of her favourite classes, but now she just couldn't focus. Jisoo still didn't believe her and she had laughed on her. Chaeyoung knows she didn't mean it in a wrong way, but it still hurt her. She basically called Jimin fake, although she got very close with Jimin over the past days.

"Park Chaeyoung! Stop daydreaming and focus on my lesson please!" Mrs. Jeon shouted. She sighed and mumbled a small "Yes mrs. Jeon" and tried to pay as much attention as she could.

Her thoughts drifted back to Jimin though. Again. He kept popping up in her thoughts and dreams. Chaeyoung sighed. She wishes she would know how to get him out the mirror. Poor boy... Chaeyoung felt so sorry for him.

She was curious about his life. Did he have siblings? Were his parents still alive? Are they looking for him? Did he have nice friends? Where did he come from? What does he smell like? What does he feel like?

Woah, hold up. Feel like? Chaeyoung felt her own cheeks burning up a little. "What are you thinking of, Chae?" Jennie grinned as she saw the redness spread on her cheeks. "Oh nothing... It's nothing," she quickly said. I meant his hands, and his body, for hugging. Friendly hugging. She shook her head. She really should pay attention to the lesson now.

Chaeyoung let out a deep sigh as she let herself fall on her bed. Another day survived, she thought. She grabbed her waterbottle from her bag and saw there was still a bit left, and drank it. She placed the bottle on her nightstand and checked her social media. She liked and commented on some of her friends posts and smiled.

"Hey Chaeyoung! You're back!" Chaeyoung looked up, shocked by the sudden loud and cheerful sound. She could see Jimins bright smile and happy face in her mirror. "Hey Jimin! How are you? What have you been doing?" Chaeyoung asked as she seated herself at the chair in front of her desk. She slowly rolled her chair towards the mirror.

"I have been trying to find that damn door since you've been gone, but I can't find anything. I found out though, that not everything is white here. There are a few doors though, but they dont lead anywhere, just darkness." "How do you know it doesn't lead anywhere?" Chaeyoung asked. "I dropped something like a light bulb and it kept on falling and falling and I never saw it landing. Also, some doors are too small and some locks are strange," Jimin told her. "So it's a bit like Alice In Wonderland or something?" Chaeyoung laughed. Jimin didn't understand but just awkwardly laughed it off a little. What the heck was an Alice In Wonderland anyways?

I'm back again with another chapter!The sixth already! I know I updated really soon again but I didn't know I would be so fast. I really enjoy writing this book, so I hope you like it too. Poor Jimin though, what do you think is gonna happen to him?


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