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Jimins eyes got big and Chaeyoung started laughing, standing up and quickly locking her door to make sure her father wouldn't storm into her room. "Nothing dad!" Chaeyoung quickly yelled.

"I told you to stay quiet," Jimin giggled. "Oops~"

Chaeyoung quickly laid in bed again as she didn't hear her father coming upstairs. "I thought he would come up here and kill me," Jimin laughed. "Same, guess my mom changed his mind." "Oh god your mom is home too?" Chaeyoung laughed and nodded. "Well they're gonna kill me." "Just my dad." "Doesn't make it better," Jimin pouted. Chaeyoung grinned and hugged him, pulling him close. "I love you, baby," she softly whispered. Jimin smiled widely. "I love you too."

"Shouldn't I help you out too?" Chaeyoung suddenly asked as a few minutes had passed. "Help me ou- oh. Oh. Well you don't have to," Jimin smiled. He tried to stay calm although he really wanted her to. Ofcourse he did. He was just ashamed of himself, afraid to show his private parts to his girlfriend.

"We can... do it another time," Chaeyoung smiled, slightly putting a questioning tone in her sentence. Jimin nodded, happy he didn't have to move so fast. They already made a big step tonight and the couple decided to leave it at this. They later fell asleep, being in each others arms.

"You did what?" Jennies eyes were big and her voice was squeeky. "Not so loud!" Chaeyoung shushed her friend. "Damn girl, you're wilding," Lisa laughed. Chaeyoung blushed and hid her face. "My dads eyes could have killed us both, but he spared us I guess. He realizes I am growing up," Chaeyoung giggled. "You sure are," Jisoo commented, "you're becoming the second Jennie!"

"Yah!" Jennie hit the oldest one playfully on her shoulder as she had referred to her wild dating history. "What? You've done the most out all of us, Jen, you're our most experienced one!" "Oh shut up you," Jennie giggled and blushed. She shared looks with Chaeyoung as they smirked at each other. "Did he do anything else?" Lisa asked curiously. "No we just slept." The girls nodded, and continued to eat their food.

"Waiter, could we have the bill please?" Jisoo asked half an hour later. After Jisoo had paid they left the cute restaurant and continued their shopping spree. "Who's paying next time we're eating?" "I think it's Lisa's turn," Jennie said, "I did it the time before." Lisa nodded. "Too bad."

The girls entered a big fashion store, which was one of Jennie and Chaeyoungs favourites. Jennie immediately ran over to a table full off cute t-shirts on sale. "Gosh these are so cute!" Chaeyoung said as she joined her friend.

"You should grab that blue one," Jennie said, pointing at the blue shirt with a low v neck and a collar. Chaeyoung giggled. "My father would kill me, but I bet Jimin would like that." "Oh sure he would."

Jimin laid on his bed, staring at the mirror in his room. He put it there to make sure he wouldn't get panic attacks anymore by seeing one. He softly smiled at his reflection. "It's gonna be okay Jimin-ah," he reassured himself.

A soft knock was heard on his door. "Come in," Jimin said as he sat up straight. The door opened, revealing his younger brother Jihyun, who closed the door behind him again. "Hey Ji," Jimin said and smiled. Jihyun gave a shy smile back and sat down on his brothers bed. "What's up Jihyun?" Jimin asked, sensing something was coming.

"I need your help... your advice," he started, "there's this girl I like, and I'm too shy too tell her and I don't even know if she likes me back," Jihyun sighed. Jimin smiled softly. "Is that your first crush?" "Well, not really, but I really really like this girl."

"What's her name?" "Hyemin." "Hmm, alright. Are you befriended with her?" Jimin asked. "Yes but not that close yet," Jihyun sighed. "Then get closer! Talk to her about random stuff, laugh because of her jokes, stay a little close to her... I'm sure it'll work out that way!" Jihyun smiled and hugged his older brother. "Thanks Jimin, I love you." "I love you too little one." "I'm taller-" "Quiet!" Jimin laughed. Jihyun giggled and left his room.

Jimin stood up and walked over to the mirror, checking if his eye was still swollen. He had punched himself in the eye the other morning. Yes, he knew it was silly, but it happened. Luckily for Jimin no one had seen his stupid actions. Jimin smiled as it seemed to be fine now and made his way downstairs.

"Hey Jimin, could you help me and crack the eggs please?" Jimin followed the sound of his mothers voice that led him to the kitchen. "You knew it was me?" Jimin laughed. "Ofcourse, Jihyuns footsteps are louder," she smiled. Jimin carefully cracked the eggs in the bowl his mother pointed at, receiving a praise from his mother. He washed his hands and dried them on the towel.

"What're you making?" "I'm gonna bake a cake, darling, your fathers birthday is tomorrow, remember?" "Oh god is that tomorrow? Oh no," Jimin sighed. "What's wrong?" "Everyone will ask me questions..." Jimin sighed even deeper. Jimins mother hugged him tight. "It's gonna be fine darling, don't be afraid, okay?" Jimin nodded and kissed his moms cheek.

He let himself fall on the sofa in the livingroom and turned on the tv, watching every channel, but nothing interesting seemed to be on. He laid down and bit his lip. He was bored as fuck, and he knew Chaeyoung had a girls day in the city so she wouldn't he either online or home. Jeongguk, Namjoon and Yoongi were working today and the rest probably wouldn't answer his texts now, as even Hoseok still hasn't replied to Jimins text from five hours ago.

But then he received a text.

Oops 👀 what will happen ?? Who knows
Hope u enjoyed this shiz xo

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