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Jimin was debating with himself. Should he tell her about this? About how this all happened? Or should he tell her how he feels about her? Jimin didn't know which one would work. Maybe neither would. They are both big secrets though. At least, they are big to him.

Maybe they would both work. But which one is he supposed to choose? Would him confessing lead them to the sixth stage?

They were almost there. They were close to freeing Jimin from this mirror. Freeing him from the empty feeling. The miserable feeling of not knowing what's exactly happening, not knowing his history.

Is he remembering his memories because he's close to be free again? Jimin bit his lip. He should tell her about this.

"Chaeyoung-ah, I am really sorry about joking about that... mirror thingy. I just don't understand."

Jisoo and Chaeyoung sat down in the cantine together, waiting for Jennie and Lisa to arrive.

Jisoo was brushing her hair and tied it into a ponytail. Jisoo and Chaeyoung grabbed thier lunch from their bags and started eating. Chaeyoung sighed. She knew Jisoo wasn't a mean person. She was her best friend after all, Chaeyoung could feel she was genuinely sorry about it.

"I know that no one will understand. But I swear it's real," Chaeyoung said. Jisoo nodded. "Alright then..."

At the same moment Chanyeol walked by, staring at Chaeyoung for a few seconds. Chaeyoung bit her lip, as she knew he liked her. But she liked Jimin. Chanyeol walked away.

Jennie and Lisa came after about 5 minutes. "Hey, sorry that we're late. Jennie had to pee."

Jisoo and Chaeyoung giggled at them and ate their lunch. "Does anyone have some water left?" Lisa asked. "I finished mine." Jennie nodded and handed her waterbottle to Lisa, who mumbled a small thanks.

Chaeyoung was deadly tired. She barely had any sleep last night. She felt weird, as if something bad had happened. She couldn't help but constantly look at the mirror. She hoped that maybe Jimin would show up that night, but he didn't.

But the strange thing was that she didn't see him this morning either. Maybe he was sleeping. She told herself she shouldn't worry about it, but it's all she thinks about. What could've happened? Probably nothing bad, but still.

Maybe he was just tired. Maybe he was away, searching for something, like he once did with the key they received. Chaeyoung shrugged her shoulders. The bell rang. Thank god.

Chaeyoung didn't care about History for the first time. She just wanted to go home.

She thought about the first time she saw him. Those big, beautiful, brown,  charming eyes. She smiled at herself.

"Why are you smiling like that, hm?" Jisoo asked, wiggling her eyebrows. "It's nothing," Chaeyoung giggled. "You should really tell me everything about that mirror boy. If it affects you this much it must be true. You're not crazy, so... It might be true," Jisoo said.

Chaeyoung couldn't describe her happiness at that moment. Jisoo finally started believing that everything about him was true.

But didn't Jimin tell her that people can't know about this? People aren't trustworthy. But Jisoo is. And so are Jennie and Lisa. Right?

Ofcourse they were. They would never do anything to harm her. Never.

When Chaeyoung got home, Jimin was still nowhere to be seen. Chaeyoung told herself not to worry about it, and just finish her homework, which she did.

But now she was finsihed. What could she do? Nothing. Chaeyoung decided to just sit in front of the mirror and wait. Maybe she could read a book too.

Why did it take him so long to show up? She softly carressed the mirror. A flash. Chaeyoung frowned. Another flash. She was sure she saw a glimpse of Jimin. It looked like he was hesitating. Chaeyoung sighed. She should just wait here.

Jimins head was full. He felt weird. The memory of his curse kept playing in his mind. His head hurted badly. He sat on his matrass and held his head with his small hands. They felt cold against the skin, he felt it even through his hair. 

He kept debating if he should tell her, about everything that happened. He wanted to, but he was scared. It was a terrible moment. Something that only happens in books or movies. But this wasn't a book nor a movie. He closed his eyes.

Everything replayed in his head. The idea of going there, him tieing his shoes, the two dangerous men with the girl, the runaway, the woman. That goddamn woman. She creeped him out.

"Yah! What are you kids doing?"

"I'm sorry miss, we didn't mean to disturb you..."

"Well you did. You know that I have a son that looks exactly like you?"


"I hate him."

My breath stopped for a second.

The old woman stood up.

"He ruined my life. You. You. You ruined everything!"

Jimin looked at the others, totally confused, but also afraid.

"But miss, i'm only 23 years old, your son must be by 50 now..."

"Oh no, Jiyoon. It's you, I know."

The old lady seemed to be getting crazy. Her eyes looked weird and glazy in the light of the lanterns around the path.

"I'm not your son-"

"I'll curse you!"

Jimin felt his body going numb. It started at his fingertips, his toes. It was like a cold flow rushing through his body, through his veins, and it spread everywhere.


"What's happening?"

"Where is the lady?!"


"Jimin, no!"

A scream was heard. Jimins scream. A painful, loud scream. The one you would never want to hear again. The one that would give you goosebumps.

His body looked lifeless on the dark grass. His face was pale. The six boys thought they had lost their friend, but they didn't.

There was a spark, and a soft pink light surrounded the smallest. Jimin seemed to float, and the boys looked at him with shock. Soon he was nowhere to be seen. But there was a sign, burned into the grass. A sign of a mirror.

Hey everyoneee
I really liked the ending of this chapter and I got really hyped for it. What happened to Jimin👀👀
Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! Xo

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