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Chaeyoung sat in front of the mirror when Jimin relived his thoughts about the curse. And she saw it all. She saw his thoughts on the mirror, and had tears in her eyes.


Jimin carefully showed up. "We have to get you out. I've seen it. I've seen your thoughts. About the men with the girl, the running, the lady, the curse, the mirror sign burned in the grass... I've seen it all!"

"Oh, Chaeyoung... I can't just get out... We have the steps to complete. The biggest secret, you know?"

Chaeyoung nodded. "Please just tell me your biggest secret... I want to move on!" "I don't know what my biggest secret is, that's the problem."

"It's taking us so long...," Chaeyoung sighed. "I'm sorry." "It's not your fault Jimin, we just gotta think." Jimin nodded. Just think.

But Jimin didn't have to think. He just couldn't say it. Maybe he should tell her that. Maybe he could beat around the bush a little. No he couldn't.

Or could he?

He could just tell her he likes a girl, but she doesn't have to know it's her. He could say he had liked her since before the mirror incident, right? Would Chaeyoung believe that?

Jimin knew he wasn't an excellent liar, and Chaeyoung was a smart girl. But he could at least try. Maybe it was enough to pass to step 6. Maybe. Just maybe.

But it wasn't.

Jimin had told the half-lie, and Chaeyoung looked happy. She actually seemed to believe it, which made Jimin feel more confident about his lying skills, knowing that's not really a good thing, but still felt a bit better.

But it wasn't good enough for the mirror though. Chaeyoung had felt down all day. The secret wasn't good enough.

"Is there maybe a crime you've done? Or... a bad lie you've told? A crime that you saw happening?"

Jimin looked down and shook his head. "The only crime I've seen were the men dragging the girl...," he bit his lip, preventing himself from letting the tears in his eyes fall. Chaeyoung nodded. "Don't worry. I get it. Really, you don't have to talk about it. I see how emotional you get about it," Chaeyoung said, trying to comfort Jimin.

Jimin nodded and gave a small smile. But he wasn't comforted. It worried him that she was so sweet to him. He had just lied to her, he felt bad. He didn't want to lie, he really didn't. But telling her that he, the boy in her mirror, was in love with her? No. She would be weirded out.

What if she would stop helping him to get out of the mirror. Would she do that? Or would she continue? Jimin scratched the back of his neck.

Now that he thought about it, if he got out of the mirror, would he tell her about her feelings? Would he still have those feelings? Are the feelings actually real or are they just there because she is helping him?

Jimin bit his lip even harder, tasting his own blood. He just didn't know anymore. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to give up.

But he knew he couldn't. He had to go on. For Chaeyoung. For himself. For his family. His friends. He had to stay strong, and maybe, he had to give in. Maybe he had to tell her he loved her.

Jimin told himself to think about it. Tomorrow. Now, all he wanted to do was lie down. Lie down and rest. Sleep. Stop thinking. Just for a while. Just forgetting everything, for a couple of hours.

When he woke up again he felt empty. He felt sick. He rubbed his eyes and showed himself in the mirror, seeing if Chaeyoung would be around. But she wasn't. Of course she wasn't. She was at school. It was not even noon.

Not even noon? He had slept for a long time then. That usually didn't happen. Ever since Jimin reached puberty he lacked sleep. Don't feel bad for me though, I'm used to it. It's fine. That's what Jimin always says. He is used to it. But it's not fine.

Jimin sighed and sat up straight. He wanted to eat, but yesterday he had eaten a lot of bad things, because he felt like shit.

He still feels like shit. But he's not eating. Jimin tells himself he should figure out how to tell Chaeyoung the truth about his feelings.

Chaeyoung came home later than normally that day. Jimin had showed up in the mirror immediately when he had heard her coming in. "Where were you? I was so worried about you!"

Jimin wasn't lying, he really was worried about her. Something could've happened. Luckily she was okay. She seemed okay.

"I'm sorry, Chim. I got in detention...," she sighed. She covered her face. "Sweetheart it's not that bad," Jimin immediately says as he sees her on the verge of crying. "I'm afraid my parents won't agree on that... They're really strict about my school career."

"I get that, mine were too. But you could talk to them about it." "No I can't." "Why not? What got you into detention?" Chaeyoung sighed. "I fell asleep. They're gonna be so mad. They're gonna fucking kill me." "Hey, calm down Chaeyoung. It will be fine, really."

Jimin wasn't sure though. He didn't know how her parents were. He didn't know their personalities. He didn't know how they would react. He just hoped they wouldn't be too hard on her.

But they were.

"How can you fall asleep?!" Chaeyoungs mom yelled. "Mom, I'm sorry! I didn't sleep well, and..." "And what?" "I-I... It just happened!" "It doesn't just happen, Chaeyoung."

"First you're constantly in your room, talking while nobody's there, now you barely sleep. What's up with you? And why, god, why are you constantly focused on that damn mirror?!"

Her dads eyes met Chaeyoungs, making her look down, then look at the mirror again. She saw Jimin. He cried. She could hear him whisper a soft 'sorry'. She wanted to say that it's okay, but he disappeared.

"You're doing it again, Chaeyoung! What's gotten into you?! I should just break this damn mirror, shouldn't I?" "No! G-grandma gave me this mirror!"

"She didn't. It's a lame excuse, Chaeyoung. I really expected different from you. We bought this mirror for you," her dad spoke in a harsh tone.

Then he threw something, Chaeyoung didn't even see what it actually was, in the mirror. She cried out. "How could you?!"

She ran up to the mirror, but it was too late. It was already broken. There were cracks all over it. She didn't dare to touch the cracks, afraid the pieces would fall out of the frame.

Her parents had left the room, her mom scolding her dad for being so aggressive. But Chaeyoung didn't even notice it. She just lost Jimin. He would be stuck in here forever.

Hello everyonee
New chapterrr :)
I love this cliffhanger hehe
Hope you enjoyed

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