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Jimin slowly opened the old book. The pages were yellow and at some parts even a bit brown-ish, almost falling apart as you touched them. Tiny flakes of dust jumped around him in the air and he coughed. He really was sensitive to dust. Chaeyoung smiled. It looked cute. Jimins small hands were hovering over the pages and he gasped as he read it. His ring on his left ring finger almost scratched a page out of the book but he took it off as soon as he realized the side of it could damage the book. Jimin put the ring in his pocket and flipped through the pages.

Chaeyoung saw the loads of pages and guessed they're surely more than 300 pages and sighed. They might have a lot to do to get him out. But it was worth it. Jimin was her friend now and friends help each other. She really wishes she could help him out.

"What does it say, Jimin?" Chaeyoung asked. "I'm not entirely sure... This book is handwritten and it's not very clear. It's old and the writing got a little messy. But i'm trying to figure it out." Jimin sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. Chaeyoung nodded and waited for Jimin to understand. "This book is about my situation I suppose. Being in this mirror... Maybe I can get out with information from this book!" Jimin said more exitedly. Chaeyoung smiled. "I really hope so."

Chaeyoung unlocked her phone and saw she had a message from Jisoo. She opened it and read the message.

Jisoo❤: Hey Chae Chae, how is your mirror doing? Still those piercing eyes watching you?? Hahaha sorry😂

Chaeyoung🌸: Shut up Jisoo. They were really there.

Jisoo❤: Sure 😂😂  Whatever.

Jisoo❤: Anywaaaays

Jisoo❤: Are you free today?👀👀
I'm bored and I have chickennn

Chaeyoung🌸: Chicken? Ahh I really want some chicken.

Chaeyoung🌸: I'm sorry but no, I have to study and clean up before my parents come home again.

Jisoo❤: alright then.. No chicken for you 😂😂

Jisoo❤: Okay i'll see you next time then Chae Chae! X

Chaeyoung🌸: See ya bubx

After some time Jimin finally spoke up and Chaeyoung looked up from her phone and put it in her pocket. "Chaeyoung, I think I just found it. Here is a list of things to do to get out!" "Really? Jimin that's amazing! Read it! What do we have to do?" Chaeyoung asked.

Jimin licked his lips and went a few pages back. "It says here that we have to follow a few steps and the most important thing is to never tell any other person. We also don't have forever to complete this. It says that once we start with step 1, there will be a timer." Chaeyoung nodded. "But Jisoo knows that I saw your eyes that night," Chaeyoung said as she played with her hair a bit. "I guess that's alright because she doesn't really know about me."

"Then we should start immediately right?" Jimin nodded. "But what happens if we don't have enough time?" Chaeyoung asked. "I have no idea. And I also don't wanna know." "How many steps does it have?" "I think there are 7 in total, but it's spread over the book because there are also some empty pages and some pages with instructions for... weird tools that i have never seen," Jimin said while frowning.

"So let's just start and try to finish it in time. I can see a hourglass here and I think it will turn when we start the first step," Jimin says while looking to his left, where he probably could see an hourglass. Chaeyoung didn't know how everything looked inside his world. She only saw him and a white background. She couldn't see anything else. She wishes she knew what it was like to be there. She also just wanted to give Jimin a comforting hug. She knew he wanted to get out and he was hoping that when he got out he would remember everything about his life and his family, but he didn't have a lot of faith in it, until now. Now he found the 7 steps of getting out and he really trusted Chaeyoung. They could do this together, as a team.

"Okay then. Step one: The test," Jimin says as he scratched his back. "Why does everything keep itching, damn it," he muttered and Chaeyoung laughed. Jimin looked up and laughed too. "Sorry, this sweater keeps itching," he grinned.

"Okay, so... the test?" "Yes, i'll go on," Jimin said and he read further.
"It says here, that we have to answer questions and formulas to get a hint for step 2, where we have to find the golden bird key." Jimin laughed a bit as he read it. "Golden bird key? What's that supposed to mean?" Chaeyoung laughed too. "Is this some kind of quiz thing? This is nonsense!" she laughed.

At the same time they both heard a small crack above their heads. Chaeyoung looked up and saw a new crack was forming in the mirror. She looked at Jimin with big eyes. Was this because she said it was nonsense? Jimin looked worried. "Okay... this is not a big deal. We... We should not insult this thing anymore in any form!" Jimin said hastily. Chaeyoung nodded. She felt guilty. Each crack was her fault.

She noticed Jimin was different. She didn't know what it was but after the crack, something changed. She scanned him from the bottom to the top. His shoes were the same black adidas shoes, and he still wore his black jeans and dark blue sweather so it couldn't be his clothing. Chaeyoungs eyes scanned his face and hair but nothing changed. Right? Or did it? His eyes had the same warm brown colour. His lips were as pink and as thick as they used to be. Then she realized it. It's his hair. She saw a few stripes of orange in his hair. They weren't there before the huge crack in the mirror came...

Jimin looked up. "What's wrong?" "Your hair..." Chaeyoung said softly. "What?" "Jimin... it's turning orange..."

Hiii everyone!
Here's an update! I'm sorry it took so long but I didn't have much inspiration and I updated my other book Grinders Café.

I hope you enjoyed this new chapter!

Thanks for reading!


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