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Jimin sat on a small matrass in the big white room. He felt lonely. Chaeyoung was still asleep. What could he do? He just wishes to get out of the mirror and maybe remember himself and see if he had a life outside. He wondered if he had a big or small family, if his parents were alive, if he had a lot of friends, if he was on a school, if he had a job... He just really wanted to know.

Jimin layed down and stared in the whiteness. It hurt his eyes. He closed his eyes and imagined what it would be like to live with Chaeyoung. If he could get out of the mirror, would he live with her? Jimin didn't know.

Everytime Jimin thought about Chaeyoung he felt butterflies in his stomach. He loved her. But how could he ever tell her in this situation? He was in a mirror. A mirror. How could she ever love him. They never touched. Maybe he wasn't even able to come out of this mirror. Maybe he wasn't a real person from earth.

He looked in a mirror and only saw his own sad eyes. He quickly looked away. He was tired of seeing just his eyes. He didn't even know what he looked like. He only knew what his body looked like. He wanted to see his face, his hair, more than just his eyes. But how could he? It was practically impossible.

Jimin stood up and grabbed the bird key. He had to find that damn door to get out. Now.

"Oh my god Chaeyoung! I got it!" Chaeyoung looked up from her book. She was reading The Fault In Our Stars. Although it might have been her sixth time reading it, she doesn't mind. The book and movie both really touch her in the heart.

"What's up?" "I found the door!" Jimin showed up in the mirror with a piece of paper. It looked old, just like the book. "What?" Chaeyoung jumped up and sat down in front of the mirror. When Jimin and Chaeyoung talk they always sit on the ground, because it's easier.

"This morning I went away to search for the door and eventually I was in a room with a door with a bird on it. I was sure it must have been that door so I unlocked it and it opened. There was a small table with this old... paper on it, so I immediately came back to show you!" "That's amazing! Good job chim chim!" Chaeyoung laughed at Jimins proud face.

She wanted to hug him, not just because she's happy he found the door, but also just because she thought he needed and deserved it. Jimin seemed to love getting a lot of attention. When she is doing homework he usually starts whining because he's lonely and she ends up not doing her homework.

"Is there anything on the paper?" Chaeyoung asked. "Yeah, it says this belongs to step 3." "Then let's see what we should do to complete step 3, right?" Chaeyoung happily said. She had a free day today from school.

Jimin opened the old and dusty book and coughed. He was still quite sensitive to dust. "You should clean the book and get all of the dust off once," Chaeyoung grinned. "I really should."

Jimin searched through the book and finally found step 3. "Okay, what do we have to do?" "Let me read," Jimin grinned and focused on the book. "We have to... fill in the paper. What? But there's only the words "step three" on the paper!" Jimin said. He frowned. "But what if it's written with lemon?" Chaeyoung asked. "Pardon me?" He laughed. "How the fuck will you ever write with lemons?" "No, not literally lemons! The juice that comes out of it when you squeeze it. When you write with that, and put like... a light under it, you can read it." "You are a smart girl Chaeyoung! Genius!" Jimin said happily.

Jimin searched for something that send out light, and found a flashlight. He held it underneath the paper and read. "It's like a puzzle?" He said confusedly. "Can you show me?" Chaeyoung asked. Jimin tried to show her but she couldn't see anything.

Jimin tried to figure it out and finally recognized it. He doesn't know much about the life outside the mirror so he didn't really know how the puzzle worked, but later on realized it's a rebus. You have to add or take off a part of a word to make a sentence.

Since Chaeyoung couldn't help him she decided to just play a game on her phone. She played 1010, although she found it a boring game. Why did she ever download it in the first place?

"I got it! Oh my god! I got it! I solved it!" Jimin cheered. "Tell me!" "It says: Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all!"

At exactly that time the paper disappeared and changed into a small handmirror. Jimin looked at the handmirror. "What is it?" Chaeyoung asked. "I... I can see myself!" Jimin said. Chaeyoung realized there were a lot of mirrors over then but Jimin always only could see his eyes. "Really?" Jimin nodded.

He slowly caressed his cheeks and jaw. Then his nose, lips and chin. He smiled widely. "I am handsome," he giggled. He didn't remember what he used to looked like? "You are very handsome!" Chaeyoung said. She felt like there were butterflies everywhere in her body and she couldn't help but smile and laugh at him. The sight was precious as he realized how handsome he looked.

"Is this like a reward?" Jimin asked. "It could be." Jimin nodded. At that time the handmirror disappeared and Jimins expression changed into a more sad and disappointed one. He wanted to look at himself and take it in. He just wanted to get out.

"Four more steps to go and you'll be free and able to see yourself everyday, Jimin," Chaeyoung said, trying to comfort Jimin. "I just want to get out, you know," he said with a sigh. "I understand. You will get out and then I will give you a huuuge hug!" Chaeyoung said, which made Jimin smile widely. "Keep that promise!" "Promised."

Hello everyone! Here's a quick update! I hope you liked it! Also, please read my other books. Grinders Café (Chen fanfiction) and Mistake (Vmin fanfiction). Thank you❤❤

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