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"Oh my god, Jimin you need to hear this!"

Chaeyoung burst into her room and Jimin immediately showed up in the mirror. She grabbed a pillow and sat down in front of the mirror.

"I'm going on a date!" Chaeyoung cheered. She smiled widely at him.

Jimin bit his lip. "That's great Chaeyoung!" He tried to sound as happy as he could, but inside he felt his heart hurting. Chaeyoung didn't notice anything, and was too exited to see the sad expression in his eyes.

"His name is Park Chanyeol, he's in my school. He helped me when my bycycle tire broke. He brought me to school on his motorcycle," she said.

Jimin just nodded.

"He is really tall and muscled, he has big brown eyes and very cute big ears. He has a deep voice and really cute dimples!"

"He seems nice. I hope he'll treat you right," Jimin simply said. He lookes down and tried to hold his tears in. He couldn't cry in front of her right now. She couldn't find out the love he felt for her.

The percentage lowered back to 25% Chaeyoung noticed. "Hey, why is that?" she said and pointed at it. Jimin knew. But he couldn't tell her. "Oh i'm just feeling a bit sick, that might be it. Because I don't feel good," he quickly said. Really, Jimin? That is your excuse? Jimin sighed. "Oh, alright. You should rest then, i'll leave you alone," she smiled at him and sat behind her desk, starting on her homework, and Jimin disappeared.

He layed on the soft matrass and tears escaped his eyes. He wanted her so bad, but he couldn't. She couldn't date someone that wasn't real. He was in a mirror. He wanted to touch her face, stroke her hair and kiss her soft lips. At least that is what he imagined them to be. He couldn't know. But he loved them. She was so beautiful and he just couldn't get over it. "I love you Chaeyoung," he mumbled, as he cried himself to sleep.

It has been 6 hours since Jimin showed up. The percentage had lowered to 20%. Chaeyoung got worried. What happened to him? "Jimin?" she called out for the fifth time. No reaction. She walked over to the mirror, closer. "Jiminie?" she tried again. She didn't wanna give up and talk to him. She was worried.

Nothing happened. She sighed deeply. What happened to Jimin? She walked over to her bed and layed down. But she couldn't sleep. She kept the lamp near her bed on, and kept checking the mirror.

It was midnight when she couldn't handle it anymore and stood in front of the mirror. "Jimin? Please, show yourself. I'm worried...," she softly said. A pair of sad eyes showed up.


"You can't date him. You can't."

Chaeyoung frowned. "Jimin, why not? What's wrong?" "I can't tell you. But you can't date him now. Tell him you like someone else or...,"

Chaeyoung was confused. "I like him!" she said. Jimin looked down. "Please, Chaeyoung. For us? For me?" He looked at the percentage, which was on 19%. Chaeyoung saw it too. "Okay," she sadly said. Jimin felt bad for her, but felt better immediately because he knew the percentage would raise soon and he would have more chance to make her his once.

"Jimin! The percentage is on 70!"

Jimin showed up. "Is it?" He looked up. "We are so close!" Chaeyoung cheered. "I know! It's been almost a week! But we are getting there! We can do it!"

"I'm sad I had to let go of Chanyeol though," she said. "No sad talk now, Chae, we can do this and maybe you can date him later," he said. "Alright then Chim, i'm going to school. See you later!" "Bye!"

Chaeyoung arrived at school just in time. She almost ran to her class and sat on Jisoo's side. "You're so late!" "Yeah, sorry, I stayed in bed too long," she lied. She was just busy being exited with Jimin. But her friend would say she was being insane. "Oh alright."

It was lunch break. Like every day Jisoo and Chaeyoung searched for Jennie and Lisa and sat down with them, to eat lunch together.

"So, when is that date with Chanyeol?" Jennie asked. "It's not gonna happen," Chaeyoung sighed. "What? Why not?" Lisa asked. "I like someone else. I can't tell you who it is...," she bit her lip. "I want to know, please!" Lisa begged. "No, I really can't tell you. You three don't know him anyways," she said. "You mystery woman," Jisoo giggled. "Yeah you are being mysterious lately, what's going on?" Jennie asked. "Is it that mirror thing again?" "Mirror thing?" Lisa wondered. "Chaeyoungie thought she saw eyes in her mirror," Jisoo giggled. Chaeyoung looked down.

"Eyes?" Jennie frowned. "Eyes of a boy," Jisoo giggled. "Stop it now. Leave it." "Hey, don't be so pissed now. It's just a bit silly," Jisoo said, "There was nothing to see. Accept it." Chaeyoung got teary eyes. "You don't know anything," she said, and stood up. "What do you mean? Where are you going?" Jennie asked. "Just leave me alone!"

Chaeyoung grabbed her bag and walked over to the toilet. She went in and sat down on one of the toilets and locked the door. A tear rolled over her cheek. Jimin was real. She wasn't being weird or insane. It was real. They just wouldn't believe it, and it hurt her. Once Jimin will be free and she can show them how real he is.

Chaeyoung wiped her cheeks dry. She wanted her friends to stand behind her and believe her. They didn't even try. She could understand it sounded weird but they didn't even try. If only she could take a picture of him... But she couldn't.

The last time she tried that the mirror cracked, and Jimin got hurt. She never wants to hurt him again, so she's careful with him.

Chaeyoung stood up and washed her face. She dried it and walked out of the toilets. "Chaeyoung!"

She looked around and saw Chanyeol. "Oh no, Chanyeol, not now. I have to go!" She quickly walked away. The whole day at school she was distracted.

Hello y'all!

It's kinda a lame chapter I know. Still hope you enjoyed it! Xx

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