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The next morning, Chaeyoung woke up. The sun shone through the thin curtains. She rubbed her eyes and sat up straight in her bed. She looked at the mirror, in the corner of her room, where she found Jimin playing rock, paper scissors with himself. She saw the percentage above him, 25% percent already. Wait... 25%? How did the percentage raise so quickly? They were asleep after all.

"Goodmorning, Chaeyoung," Jimin smiled at her. "Goodmorning Chim Chim!" Jimins smile grew even bigger. He liked the cute nickname. "How did we come at 25%? We were sleeping!" Chaeyoung laughed. "I... I have watched you sleep last night, maybe it helped," Jimin said. "Could be."

Chaeyoung stood up and grabbed her school uniform. "I'll change myself in the bathroom," Chaeyoung said, and walked over to the bathroom. She washed up, put her clothes on and applied some light make-up. She brushed her newly dyed hair. She dyed her hair red recently, and she thought back to Jimin's reaction.

"Hey Chim," Chaeyoung said when she walked into her bedroom. "Hey Chae- hold up! Did you dye your hair?!" Jimin said. He had a shocked look on his face and gasped. "Yeah, I thought, why not? I like it... Do you like it?" she asked nervously. "It looks gorgeous! I remember I used to have lots of different colours too! I like dyed hair."

She grinned. When she came back to her room the sign was already on 30%. "How does this happen?!" "I think about you a lot, soooo..." Jimin said. Chaeyoung nodded. He had barely anything else to think about after all.

"It's so weird... we are already at 30% of step 4, just a few more to go," Chaeyoung said while sitting down to pack her schoolbag. "Yeah, but I hope it will raise during your schoolday too," Jimin said. "Alright, i'll get going now. Bye bye chim chim!" Chaeyoung said cheerfully. "Bye!"

Chaeyoung got on her bicycle and cycled to school. She cycled through a forest which turned darker by the day. There were a lot of trees with big leaves that covered them. She happily cycled through the forest until she accidentaly drove over a nail, and immediately had to stop. "Oh no!" She quickly checked the wheels and saw one tire with a small hole in it. "What do I do?" Chaeyoung mumbled.

"Need help?" A voice suddenly appeared behind her. Chaeyoung quickly turned around. A handsome boy stood there with his motorcycle. He has black hair in a comma style, huge brown eyes and he was tall, and broad. He sure works out a lot.

"Uh... yes, kinda," she said. "I'm Chanyeol. We're on the same school," he said. Chaeyoung smiled. "I'm Chaeyoung." "I know," the boy said while adjusting his leather jacket.

"Need a ride?" "Yes but, what about my bycycle?" Chaeyoung said as she looked at it. "Lock it and we'll pick it up later. We gotta go now or else we're late," he said, "hop on." Chanyeol gave her a helmet and Chaeyoung put it on and locked the bycycle. "Thanks," she said and sat behind him on the motorcycle. "Hold on tight," Chanyeol warned. Chaeyoung put her arms around him.

In about 5 minutes they already arrived at school. Chanyeol parked his motorcycle and walked inside together with Chaeyoung. "Which class are you in?" "Sports, i'd like to be a PE teacher later," Chanyeol said as they walked to Chaeyoungs locker. "Ah alright, my main is History," she said. "Why? Isn't it boring?" "No, I like learning about the past," she smiled and grabbed the books she needed.

Chanyeol walked her to her classroom and the two tokd each other a quick goodbye, before leaving each other to go to their classes.

Chaeyoungs first class of the day was History. She automatically sat down next to Jisoo. "Hey Chae, who was that guy you were with?" she curiously asked. "My bycycle tyre was broken so he gave me a lift, he's in the Sports class," Chaeyoung explained. "Yes but what is his name?" "Oh, his name is Chanyeol. Also a Park if i'm right." Jisoo nodded as mr. Lee asked for attention again.

Chaeyoung kept thinking about the boy. He was so handsome, and nice to her. He was like a normal grown adult, not a kid anymore.

"You two fit each other, it's cute," Jisoo said after a while. "What?" "You and that Chanyeol guy. You are clearly thinking about him," she teasingly said. "Ohh shut up!" Chaeyoung laughed.

During break time the two girls walked into the cantine and bought some food. They found Jennie and Lisa sitting together at their usual place. "Hey girls," Jennie said, and everyone greeted each other.

"Chaeyoung is crushinggg!" Jisoo laughed. "Yah! I am not!" Chaeyoung said and softly hit her left arm. "Ohh who is it?" Lisa asked. "Park Chanyeol, he's in the Sports class," Chaeyoung explained. She told the other 2 girls about her bycycle and him finding her and offering her a ride. "That's so cute! You should ask him out!" Jennie said exitedly. "No! I've never done that before! I should wait, maybe he will ask me out soon...," Chaeyoung said, slightly turning red.

"Chaeyoung has a crush! Chaeyoung has a crush!" Lisa sang playfully. "Oh who is it?" Chaeyoung looked up to a familiar guy. "Oh, hey Chanyeol," she said, while her cheeks turned bright red. She felt her face heat up. Chanyeol chuckled. "So, Chaeyoung, I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me for a drink soon?" "Sure! I'd love to!" Chaeyoung smiled. Chaeyoung and Chanyeol exchanged numbers quickly. Chanyeol waved them goodbye and went back to his own friends.

"Ohmygod, guys, I'm going on a date!" Chaeyoung cheered. "Finally!" Jennie said. "Why finally?" "Because it took ages for you to actually kinda like someone!" Jennie laughed. "I'm picky about a guy!" Chaeyoung grinned.

That day Chaeyoung happily went walking to the place her bycycle still lays. She unlocked her bycycle and walked home, since she couldn't cycle with it because of the tyre.

She put her bycycle in the shed in her garden and walked inside. Her dad could fix it later when he got home. Chaeyoung kicked off her shoes and hung up her coat on the coat rack. She quickly drank and ate something and walked upstairs.

"Jimin! You gotta hear this!"

Hello everyone! I'm on a vacation right now so y'all lucky that I can update ;) hehe~
I hope you enjoyed it! (And yes I used EXO's Park Chanyeol as character)


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