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A dark pelt swiftly made it inside a school, his black short fur moving with the wind. It was early. School hasn't started yet. A sigh released from the dark type.

The rib-like ridges on his back relaxed. Good. No horrible starters here yet. He thought as he sat in his seat. He looked down at his desk, blankly. They need to stop staring at him like he's the world's creepiest dog.

" O-oh?" A teacher commented as they entered the classroom. It was outside, but they still entered. " Pulse!" The teacher said, trying to avoid eye contact with him.

" Y-you're here so early! I-i wasn't expecting you here." The teacher stuttered. Weird. Pulse thought. His teachers all usually did this. A smile went to his face. Must be because I am very handsome. He thought, smile turning into a confident smirk.

" I just wanted to get here before the accusation squad got here." He told her. The Ivysaur nodded and went to her post, reading from a story book. She giggled at it. " That Cosmog is such an idiot." She commented as she continued reading.

Pulse rolled his eyes. Pokemon will like any sort of comedy that included dumb and idiotic Pokémon. He rifled through his backpack.

He grabbed a pencil with his teeth. He placed it delicately on the desk. He put it neatly straight. Satisfied, he wagged his short and fat tail.

Pulse continued to search throughout his bag. Aha! He thought as he took out a piece of paper with tons of writing on it. Last nights homework. He placed it on his desk.

He sniffed. He rubbed his nose with a paw. A Pikachu walked in. He gave Pulse an odd look before going to his desk.

Another Pokémon came in, a Honedge. It looked at him blankly and then floated to its seat. Eventually all the Pokémon had arrived and it was time to start.

" Open your books to page 111." Ivysaur told them. They all did as they were told. Eventually it was time to go home. As usual, Pulse got stared at like he was the world's most cruel Pokémon.

He never paid attention to it. He usually saw it as Pokémon see how incredibly handsome he was. He proudly strut with his tail held high out of the school.

Whispers overcame all the Pokémon. Well, most. Some at least knew to never judge a Pokémon by how they looked. In other news, Honedge. She was a female. Mistaken for a male.

Just because she's a ghost and a sword doesn't mean she's a male. Pokémon always do that. Same with this female Charmander and female Squirtle in the class. There were lots of children in the class.

Most were starters. Some others were considered starters even though they couldn't battle as well as a starter. Pulse started to walk home. " Hey!" A peppy voice exclaimed, startling him as a possessed sword almost slashed at him.

" Watch it, Jabetu!" He snarled, shoving his face at her eye. " Whoops! I forgot you don't like it when I point at you." She kind of joked.

Pulse snorted at her. " You need to stop hanging around jokesters, Jabetu." He told her. " You mean you? Okay." She commented floating away. Jabetu was his only friend. Most of the other Pokémon kept away from him.

" I can't wait to get home!" He barked, tongue lolled. He started to run home. He barked happily as he did, making several Pidove scatter and scream.

He banged his nose against his door. He yelped as he leaped back, rubbing his nose in pain. His cat-like ears folded down a little as he heard his parents talk. He loved to eavesdrop. It was also fun to say eavesdrop.

He pressed his right ear to the door. " It's concerning all right." His father, Doom boomed as Pulse heard him shuffle. " The teacher can not handle him. She claims he looks evil. And the school keeps getting complaints from the children that they don't feel safe because he looks too scary." His mother, Choroba commented.

Pulse flinched as he pulled his ear away. They think I'm scary? He asked himself. So that's why they keep avoiding my eye contact. And why most wont be my friend. That's just ridiculous.

I could give them much more to be scared of. My looks have nothing to do with how scary one can become. He thought. " What are we going to do? We can't just address this with Pulse. He has so much pride about himself." Choroba asked her husband.

" I don't know." Doom growled. Pulse heard an annoying noise coming from the floor. " We might have to consider that school for him." Doom continued. " What?! But I've heard awful things about that school." Choroba softly whined, sounding frightened.

" What other choice do we have? Eventually the teacher might not let him back in because of his looks." Doom commented. What school? Pulse asked, feeling anger that his parents were talking about him behind his back.

" That boarding school is not the safest. It's not the best. It's not for our good hearted child. He doesn't belong with those rowdy delinquents." Choroba insisted. " Boarding school?" Pulse asked, feeling his heart break. Just for being who I am? He asked himself.

" Yes he does. He's honestly no son of mine. He shouldn't be hanging out with floating objects. He should be pack leader of those idiotic buffoons!" Doom barked harshly in a huge volley.

Pulse started to shrink down. A growl formed in his throat. You can't tell me how to live my life. He thought, his brown eyes glowing red.

His claws came out of his paws. He slammed his body into the door of his house, knocking it down with such renewed strength.

Surprise was shown on his parent's face. " How dare you talk about me behind my back!" He barked, teeth showing. His drool fell onto the floor.

He pressed his hind quarters against the ground. He growled. " Sorry. It's just-" Doom began. " Shut up!" Pulse barked, eerily moving closer to his parents.

" You can't tell me how to live my life! Bastard!" He howled, jumping on his father's back. " What are you doing?!" Choroba asked, a look of unforeseen horror on her face. " What I should have done to my horrible father long ago!" He growled darkly, sounding like a new Pokémon.

The black puppy sank his fangs and unusually larger claws into his father's black pelt. Doom screamed in pain. Blood started to pool at the Pokémon's belly.

Authors note: So this is the beginning of Pulse's story. How he became evil and whatnot. It all started with the very same boarding school that Bucky's going to go to. If you have no idea what that is go check out my other book, Metallic Wings. Xd. I hope you've enjoyed the prologue. Sorry I left you at a cliffhanger, but you probably can guess what will happen next. Xd.

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