Perfect You

60 11 4

I just wanted to post this one. I started posting my poems cause of a friend who told me that others need to read them. What do you think of them?

I remember a girl telling herself

Nobody's perfect

I may not be beautiful

I may not have a perfect body

But I don't need to pretend to be someone else

I might not be proud of some things I done

In my past, But I'm proud of who I am

After she said that she broke down

She started weeping, whispering

I wish I was perfect

I wish my hair stayed in place

I am too clumsy

I am way too emotional

Why do others hate me...

The next day

She's putting on makeup

Pretending that she is no longer her

Telling herself she is now perfect

I'm trying

To be perfect

I'm trying

To be who everyone wants me to be

I'm trying

To be beautiful

To be Happy

She suddenly says

But I don't feel happy..

Deciding to take off the makeup

With a bright smile on her face

This is my life

I don't need to make myself perfect

I am perfect the way I am

Nothing is better than being myself

If no one likes me then oh well

I love being myself

Don't ever waste time trying to be perfect

Everyone is perfect the way they are

I can't say I'm perfect

In fact I'm far from it

So are you

But we can all be imperfectly perfect

Stop trying Stop being unhappy with yourself

You are perfect the way you are

Stop wishing to be someone you aren't

Stop wishing that others like you

Give up on trying to get attention from those

Who have hurt you the most

Stop hating yourself

Your face, Your body, Your personality

Just love yourself

Without those you wouldn't be you

Why would you like to be someone you aren't

Be confident for you are beautiful

Smile it'll make others happy

My happiness will not depend on others

I'm happy cause I love myself

I love my flaws and my imperfections

As they make me, me

And me is pretty amazing

If you listen close

You will understand

That you don't ever have to change

Be proud of who you are

There is someone out there

That will think your amazing

Even if you think your a mess

You were born to not be perfect

But to be real

No need trying to look like

You came from a fairytale

To be perfect

Is having to feel like your perfect

Promise me

That you will avoid being someone else

There nothing more rare

Nor more beautiful

Than being unapologetically you

Comfortable as you

To me that is the

True essence of beauty

Poems of Life (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now