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Storm full of emotions
Anger, Pain and Frustration
Waves crashing out of fury
Every sea bounded by boundaries
One they must overcome

Building up and up
Til it crashes back down
One way or another it breaks
The roaring will become quiet
The Hurricane is now a memory

One that will soon fade away
The wind will stop howling
Out in frustration
Destruction will remain
Rocks will crumble

Trees will fall
House will be torned apart
Debris will float out to sea
To harm yet another being
Wind will knock you to your knees

Showing you that nature
That nature unpredictable
Just like the hurricane of emotions
We sometimes feel
Only some can withstand
A full blown hurricane

Some are the tree bending
Beneath the weight of the wind
After the storm struck
It will soon be over
Just beathe once in awhile

Is this good? I'm not quite sure, I just started writing what came to mind. Please comment and vote? Thanks for reading. Enjoy!

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