I Wish

24 4 12

I wish I was good enough
That someone wouldn't try changing me
I just want to be accepted
I remember all of the betrayals
All the words everyone said

I just writing this to
Take it off of my mind
Intense flood of emotions
I been an emotional wreck
For quite awhile now

It's been days now after they left
I feel so alone
I just want someone to tell me
That they would stay
Just someone who won't leave

It's been weeks now
I'm still alone
But I started planting a garden
I have named each one
They are like family to me now

Now I'm sitting here
Just a few months later
I'm still alone
But I got to thank those
Who used to be my friends

You showed me that
I was hanging out with the wrong crowd
I'm still upset with
How you ended the friendship
Maybe now I can be done with the pain

This is my escape
My way to express myself
I learned so many things
Even though it made me fall
I'm going to stand up yet again

Maybe in a year or so
I'll end up fully loving myself
I want to be able
To have friends by my side
Someone who will help me when I fall

It's true that we lose sight of ourselves
I lost myself for awhile
We said we would always be there for eachother
But now we're older
That friendship faded

You ended up changing
Started turning everyone against me
Made others think I was insane
I may talk to myself
When I'm writing
But it helps me understand everything

Everyone around me is happy
Sadly I'm not
We all go numb sometimes
We end up distracting ourselves
To hide the hurt

You lose what you believe in
You end up thinking you aren't wanted
You start thinking

They were right
I will never be like them
Why can't I fit in
I truly am alone
I wish to be someone else

I just want to let you know
That I understand
I wish to help those
So they don't suffer
Is that bad for me to want to do?

I get told everyday that I don't fit in
I don't wanna fit in!
I wanna be able to show
I wish
I just wish for someone to understand

Maybe someday I can be someone special
To be able to say this is my bestfriend
I want to be understood
I want to push aside all I did wrong
Does it really need to be so hard

If anyone reads this
Maybe you will relate
I had to get it out
Tonight I just had to
Since I been grieving lately

I'm slowly learning
That everything she said
Made me break down that day
Which is how All I Can Say
Became a poem

We used to be friends
But now we're enemies
Remember that day
When you were so happy
To just meet me

You wanted to be my friend
So I decided to come outta my shell
We fought a few times
Cause I didn't want to get dressed up
It's funny how I used to enjoy
Coming over and watching horror movies

I always scared you
As during jumpscares I would laugh
But now my life became dull
I been pretending things were fine
It was time I let this out

I just wish
You would come back
Just to tell me

Hey remember that day
Yeah I didn't mean it
I'm sorry for hurting you

But that day won't ever come

So maybe I needed it
Since you always talked about you
Or talked about boys
You hated how I didn't cared about gender
You told me girls can only be with guys

I'm sorry that I wasn't you
I am sorry for not knowing
That you were just using me
For now I will continue
I'll be fine for now

It took me by surprise
When you turned on me
That day I was sitting alone
Just wondering why everyone
Was staring at me

I now know
That I can be free
I will make new friends
I'll show off my poems
Just like I should've been doing

I used to be scared
But now I'm just wishing endlessly into this night sky
Wish after wish
Just wanting just one thing
Which is to be accepted

I'm so sorry this one is so long. I just had to write it. So hopefully it's not too bad. Since this poem is very true. It's basically about everything that happened a few months ago. That ended up tearing me apart. Making me feel so alone and depressed. Thanks for reading.

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