
22 2 15

As easy as throwing a stone into a ocean
But not knowing how far it goes
Yet you do it anyways
Imagine if that was a person
Who you just hurt

Words being thrown
Left and right
Cutting down deep
Just like the rock
In that deep ocean

Sometimes verbal
Becomes physical...
Causes even more pain
Ends up making them
Think differently about themselves

They say everythings equal
But yet people are still hurt
Actions can hurt anyone
Even if it isn't directed at them

Cause of all this
They lose the ability
To truly smile all the time
Some finds escape
Just like writing poems is my escape

If anyone reading this is going through something terrible. Feel free to talk to me as I truly do feel ya. I felt the need to write this poem. Mostly as it's not fair what some people go through. I don't like it at all but sometimes you can't do anything at all. Sorry think i got carried away well as always Enjoy.

Poems of Life (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now