
26 6 1

Ain’t no longer here
Invisible to you
You ain’t got a care in the world
Listen closely
Listen closely to the rhythm

I’m forgotten by you
Invisible to all
Ain’t a care in the world
Have you
Have you erase me
Do you remember me
Ain’t no longer here
No longer visible

Never to be remembered
Erased completely
Visible nor Remembered
Everything crashing down
Destroying my hopefulness

This rhythm all I got now
Tears threatening to fall
Tell me do you listen
Listen to the rumors
Is that why
You forgotten me

Remembered nor visible to you
Erasing my whole existence
From that mind of yours
Forgotten by you
What did I do

Ain’t no longer visible to you
Did you ever care?
Once a friend now a foe

This one became more like a song and I was kinda upset when writing it. Well poems are songs and songs are poems. As I was told since poems are basically what songs use to be.

Poems of Life (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now