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Some Days like today
I feel so so down
Putting on a slight smile
People don't look by
My mind kinda stuck in the past

Remembering each and every
Terrible, terrible moments
I try to forget
I really, really do
But.. it never works

Days been horrible
Having the past repeat
Not being able to write my mind
Down on a piece of paper
Even now I'm struggling

It used to be so easy
To write everything
Now time is against me
Not giving me time
To write my mind down

Times like these
Are the worse for me
For I can't write
Poems for everyone
To read

Sorry for not updating for awhile. Days been going by quickly and I been busy with trying to not fail my classes. Kinda not going well with 2 outta 7 classes. Hope you enjoy anyways.

Poems of Life (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now