Beginning of Time

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In the beginning of time
When the world didn't exist
A god known as Khaos
Lived in the eternal dark
As days gone by
He had an idea

To create a world
One filled with life
So he wouldn't be alone
For this to happen
A goddess was sprang to life

The goddess of earth
Filled with strength and life
She grew and spread
Into the world
The world known as earth

After this world was created
Another god and goddess was found
The fearsome Tartarus
With him the dark night
Rose to life

The goddess of love
Spread peace around the world
Khaos has done his part
So he just watched as the world
Came to life

Earth, Water, Air and Fire
As days gone by
He decided to create a few species
Out of these species
Were humans
He had picked up a rock
And formed it into shape

The moment he place it down
The rock started changing colors
This was how
The first humans were created

As they walked around
Exploring the earth
He studied the way
They walked and talked

A few days later
He noticed one of the humans
Had a sharp stick
This human was called

He had threw the sharp stick
At a deer herd
Ensio was the first
To disturb the peace

Soon all the humans
Were hunting animals
Just for fun
This had Alerted
Khaos and Tartarus

Both the gods decided
To pay a visit to the humans
At first the humans were frightened
When the two gods showed up

Khaos told them that they shouldn't
Be harming the earth just for fun
That they needed to take care of it
But the humans didn't agree
He ended up getting angry
So he created Hel

The goddess of death
She gave the humans a certain lifespan
A age that they would die at
She was the one in charge of who goes where
You either went to
Khaos if you were good
Or to Tartarus and locked in eternal darkness

From that day forwards
Everything living had death waiting
Each time a clock ticked
You were getting closer and closer
To death
All cause of the first humans

I am thinking about writing a book about this. It's a myth I had to write for school. So should I write a book? Would ya'll be interested in reading it? If so please let me know. Thanks and Enjoy!

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