
6 2 2

A paper fades in my eyes
Letter by letter jumping away
Along this threate
Echoes voices that were never there
We get distracted by letters
Trying to find what everything means

Stare out the window
You shall see what I mean
You'll end up wondering about stuff
Like why is the world like this
You will end up thinking
Wondering what going on

The world is sometimes evil
Always something bad happening
Now I am distracted
Writing about something else
The only good is what lies inside
Colors try to bring satisfaction

A ringing sounds out
To warn of something
Reading to figure things out
Writing just to keep sane
It's all the same
Just one large distribution

Looking around everything different
The bend of a tree branches
The empty spots where grass grew
The sun which rose just to fall
The texture on a road
Just one large distribution to distraction

Life is one large distraction
Sometimes what your reading can be very distracting. Writing is also very distracting if you try to figure out what is going on.

Poems of Life (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now