Just Believe

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This one is kinda more depressing than all my others. I have used some words but I hope they don't make you think dark. Well hope you enjoy


How far will i go
In till you drive me to insanity
Till i no longer want to be here
Till there is just one scar on each of my arms
Till i am sitting in the tub slowly losing life

I am being held hostage by the voices in my head
Telling me things that make me the way i am
I scream for someone to save me
But no one listens

I cry but no one sees
I get driven to the point where i can't take it
Where i just want to be free from the voices  
So i don't have to deal with pain
So i don't have to deal with the scars on my arms
So i don't have to deal with the thought of suicide on my mind
I just want to be free from pain

You can't see the pain i am in
You don't know the things i go through
You think that the depression can magically go away
Well it can't it is stuck with me forever

The thoughts of suicide never leave my mind
I may not talk about it but it is still there
You think that when i say “I’m Fine”
That i am okay but i'm not

I cry every night cause of it
You think the smile i put on my face is real
But its not its fake
It hides the pain i feel
All it takes is a fake smile to hide your true feelings

To hide the fact that your not okay
That your not fine
That you hide the scars on your wrist
To hide the fact that you cry at the thought
That someone could ever love you
Well the fact is someone does love you
But you never want to accept it

You just want to let yourself believe
That no one can love you
You want to believe that you have a reason
For the scars on your wrist
For the scars on you body
Just believe that you are loved

Poems of Life (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now