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She was never perfect
Never liked the others
Never had flawless skin
Just always carrying her flaws
Hidden underneath a frame

She never showed herself
Hiding as someone else
Someone who can actually smile
Joke around and be happy

She kept hidden inside
For others won't like
Who she truly is

She wanted to see herself
Wanted to unfold the covers
See what has been hidden all along

She still didn't know how
Never easy
Always stuck and fake

She will be alone
For once they see
They'll run
Or so she thinks

She never tries again
For she knows they'll leave
Yet again

She is always on the run
Always, always watching
Never looking behind
Not knowing who is watching
Her go

She never stays outside
They're always watching
Their eyes always on her
No matter how far she goes
How fast she runs
She can never be free

She dies on the inside
Now she's just a ghost
All feelings faded away
Deep inside locked in
Just waiting for the key

Poems of Life (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now