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Please Read

- I started this book a while ago so some of the upcoming information is either old and outdated or is just irrelevant now. The boys have changed as people so don't attack me if something isn't up to date, just note that it was written a while ago:)

- this book does contain some language and the mentioning/description of self harm so if you are sensitive to that type of stuff then this book isn't for you.

- I have completed this book and have gone back and edited it. If you see *edited at the end of the chapter then you know it has been proofread. Sorry for mistakes nobody's perfect..

- this book is also all my work, I would appreciate it if you did not steal any of my work without my permission. PLEASE!

- I do read all the comments and I would only appreciate kind ones. If they pertain to the book and make sense then that's fine. If they are mean towards me/insulting my writing or other mean towards other readers I will take them down.

- finally.. if you've read this far... thank you. I'm assuming whoever is reading this is a limelight, and we are all here to support the boys, so by all means

Enjoy Fresh Start!

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