Per Ardua ad Astra

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A/N: The Latin sentence above means "Through Adversity to the Stars". This quote is mostly known as the motto of the Royal Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force, Royal New Zealand Air Force, and South African Air Force (the latter use the word "aspera" instead of "ardua" which is interchangeable in meaning). Fasten your seatbelt as Kousei and Emi once again engaged in battle, above the Yellow Sea.


Ulsan Air Base, July 9th, 2018

4th Tactical Fighter Squadron, callsign "Symphonia"

Elohim essaim.. elohim essaim..  Kousei muttered as he taxied his F-15J into the runway of Ulsan Air Base for his second sortie. Today is a HAVCAP (1) mission. Kousei's flight was assigned to protect a South Korean Boeing 737 AEW (E-7 Wedgetail) which is coordinating allied air defense above Seoul. Upon clearance, the four-ship flight immediately takes off, followed by the 1st flight of the same squadron.

The 4th TFS pilots have been told to expect more modern enemy assets like Su-27 Flankers or Chinese-piloted Shenyang J-11s and Chengdu J-10s with North Korean markings, along with strike aircrafts targeting Seoul and the surrounding area, including the port and airport of Incheon, northwest of Seoul. Recent intelligence also raised concern that the North Koreans had hired mercenaries, as significant number of their senior or "elite" pilots has managed to defect to the Allies over past two months. 

"Symphonia flight, form on me" Capt. Natsuki ordered. 

"Roger that" Kousei replied.

"Affirmative" Nara said.

"Ryougai! (roger)" Emi confirmed.

They climbed to 30.000 feet heading north to Seoul, and four minutes later, they rendezvoused with the Korean AWACS over the Yellow Sea. 

"This is AWACS Ilsig (eclipse in Korean). Confirm HAVCAP mission, over."

"Copy that, Ilsig, we are the escort for your mission today. We'll keep the North Korean fighters off you while you are on station". Natsuki replied.

Passing the Japanese's formation were two flight of Royal Air Force Eurofighter Typhoons and a flight of ROKAF KF-15Xs (2), all assigned to CAP duty over Seoul, complemented with a flight of US Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II STOVL stealth fighters. 

Soon "Be advised, multiple bandits coming at 9 o'clock, co-alt (same altitude), they're coming hot!

"Understood Ilsig, we're engaging now. Seems they want to make us blind by knocking you out." Natsuki said. "Symphonia flight, form into a line-abreast formation and head west, 090 and keep the vector. Weapons hot, you can open fire upon my permission."


"Symphonia, heads up, bandits identified as Su-27 Flankers, Shoot them down before they got into missile range!"

"Yaruzou! (let's do this)" Kousei exclaimed, as he pushed his jet into full military power.

Immediately the Flankers were painted on the Japanese's F-15 radars.


"Minna, open fire!"

Upon Natsuki's command, four AAM-4B radar-guided missiles streaked over the sky, heading towards the North Korean Flankers. Another textbook BVR engagement went well, too well, with all Flankers were destroyed. One more kill for each pilots.

"I got a bad feeling about this" Emi muttered. 

Kousei answered her in his enjoyment of his kill. "I love the smell of Kimchi in the morning."

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