Operation Yumi

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A/N: Yumi means "bow" in Japanese. As the Coalition Force continue to reduce North Korean military capabilities to ensure a successful decisive strike on their leadership, our ace will meet his nemesis for the first time.


Song used: Sabaton - Reign of Terror


August 11th, Ulsan AB. 0100 hours.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good morning and sorry for the inconvenience. As you know, your flight schedule today are supposed to fly alongside a flight of Polish F-35s hunting AA and undergound installations near Wonsan. But we have a new target of opportunity sprung up this morning and the high command want it immediately. Your target is those people." 4th Squadron Operations Officer, Major Taneda Risa, also flying as "Symphonia 1-3" apologized.

She soon switched the presentation and showed one North Korean general and one Iranian.

"This is Lieutenant General Ko suk-Chul. He is the Commander of the IX Corps, responsible for North and South Hamgyong Province. His corps might be the so called reserve but it's elements had reinforced KPA First Echelon's Corps (I, II, III) in the invasion of South Korea. And he's competent in his duty, and in particular his reinforcement to the II Corps allows them to punch their way south, bypassing Seoul, until they are stopped near Daejeon. It was the watershed of North Korean invasion."

Second target "This man here, is named General Karim Razavian, the overall commander of Iranian effort in Korea. He is part of the Quds Force (literally Jerusalem Force), special forces of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards."

"Objective: Escort four Strike Eagles from the 2nd Squadron to take out both of those men"

"Ma'am, can I ask a question?" Kousei stands up and raised his hand.

"Cleared to speak" she said.

"Do we have stealth assets to back us up?"

"Negative, All stealths are currently committed, either near the border, or in both East and West Coast in preparation of Operation Sejong."

She soon changed the slide to show a supposedly abandoned facility in Kilju County.

"All-aspect intelligence confirm that he's hiding in a bunker complex near Punggye-Ri Nuclear Test Site, It was abandoned four months ago as Chinese geologists had found it collapsed and unusable after the last nuclear test in September 2017. As the result, North Koreans in months leading up to war convert it into another of their command bunkers, with AA and SAM positions protecting the facility. Air threat, expect Firebirds (J-10), Flankers (Su-27 Series), MiGs, and possibly Saeqehs as well, from nearby Toksan Air Base. Other report mentioned that J-10s operated from Toksan are considered as elite and some of its pilots are aces, so, if you're engaged, fight to the death if you able. Otherwise, bug out. The air threat is the reason we are committing Symphonia 2 and Symphonia 1. Symphonia 3; Sugar (Maj. Honoka) and Stringbag (Capt. Shiro), you are to take off and make it into the first refueling point before turning back, in case there's one of us having mechanical problems and unable to continue the mission.

In the plus side, our first aircraft carrier, modified Ford-class, the CVN-10 JNS Shoukaku (1), built in the USA, which has been commissioned two days ago along with her sister ship, CVN-11 JNS Zuikaku, has been positioned in the Sea of Japan. It's Super Hornets and Lightnings are currently engaged, but they are ready for assisting us shall it needed."

Meanwhile, kilometers away, in Daejeon..

"We will send four jets each, two for each bunker in case of a miss" said Major Nishimura.

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