Twilight of the People's State

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A/N: North Korea is cornered now. Can the Coalition end the war without nuclear exchange?

The song is a South Korean military song called "The Torch of Communist Eradication"

January 17th, 2019. Above the skies of Chongjin, DPRK, 1900 hour

"All unit, this is Orca, do you copy?" 

"Orca, this is Symphonia 1-1, we hear you" Col. Hamada replied as the USAF E-12 AWACS contacted the Japanese squadron.

"This is Fastback 1-1, loud and clear" said the leader of an USAF F-22 squadron.

"This is San-geo 1-1, copy" a Korean F-15X squadron replied.

"This is Greyhound 1-1, we hear you" another F-15X, American one, reported his squadron readiness.


After several more reports..

"Orca to all units, copy that, your mission is to open the path for airborne troops to jump and occupy Chongjin. Clear to engage!" said the AWACS, an American E-12.

Overall mission leader in this mission is Greyhound 1-1, Lt. Col. David Geehan, one of four USAF double aces in the war with 12,5 kills and the only one from the Air National Guard, specifically the 131st Fighter Squadron, Massachusetts Air National Guard.

"All units, we are one minute to target, setting up datalink now in 5..4..3..2..1. Datalink setup complete." reported David.

"Confirm, anyway, we got contact, bearing 105, Angels 15. All Coalition squadron, spread up and engage!"

"Enemy is identified as Su-27 Flankers"

"This is Symphonia, we're going to take care of those bandits. Symphonia, start the music!" Hamada replied.

The F-15s split up into their respective flights. Kousei and Emi are once more paired in the same element, this time as Symphonia 4-3 and 4-4, with Major Natsuki once more become their flight leader. His own wingman is Capt. Izamu "String" 

"Break!" Natsuki ordered as the Flankers gained the first radar lock on their Eagles. They soon reformed and closing in for a WVR engagement.

He obtained the first kill in the flight as one KPAF-marked Su-27 went down by gunfire.

The downed Su-27's wingman attempted to engage Natsuki's Eagle but Izamu jumped him by executing a barrel roll which put him behind the Flanker and an AAM-5 blow the North Korean fighter into pieces.

"Splash one!"

"Ace! Congratulations String!" It was Izamu's 5th kill.

A Flanker is currently being pursued by Kousei as another Flanker are closing behind him; a dangerous situation. But Kousei know what will become for his pursuer, so he still focused on pursuing his intended prey for a heatseeker shot.

"Fox three!" It's from Emi. And Kousei looks in his rearview mirror outside the cockpit to saw the Flanker pursuing him disintegrated into a ball of flames.

"Black Bear 3-1, Fox three!" A nearby flight of Japanese 201st Sqn F-15, positioned on 9 o'clock relative of the Symphonia 4, joined the furball and released a barrage of AAM-4s which destroyed two Flankers.

The Sukhoi in front of Kousei attempted a Cobra only to be countered by a high yo-yo from Kousei. Seconds later the Flanker become his latest victim as an AAM-5 hit its back and sent it into the mountains nearby.

"Anti imperialism, my ass" Kousei mocked his fallen enemy; he didn't see any sign of ejection.

Meanwhile, on the North Korean formation, the leader, Major Kan-Tae Won, attempted to motivate his pilots to fight to the death, seems resigned of their inevitable defeat. "Comrades, this might be the end of us and this nation. Take them down as many as you can. Dying for this noble cause is much better now than being a slave of a puppet regime." 

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