Pushing Back

129 9 12

A/N: Hope you enjoy this chapter!

July 13th, 2018. A highway strip near Daejeon, ROK.

2nd Tactical Fighter Squadron, 1st Air Wing, JNAF.

All JNAF 2nd Squadron fliers has rested and is now on fire for another ground-pounding mission against North Korean forces after spend the last day training with allied forces in "safe" regions for final rehearsal. Temple 4-3, which was shot down in their first mission, has been rescued and their Strike Eagle has been replaced, straight from the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries factory. 

2nd Squadron XO (Executive Officer), Maj. Keisuke Nishimura begin to brief his pilots for the upcoming sortie.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your mission today will be artillery and SCUD-hunting. Three batteries of Koksan self-propelled howitzers and Grad rocket artillery battery has arrived in their second line of defense in North Hwanghae Province, near Ahobiryong Mountain Range. To complement the guns, as North Korean forces has been shifted into a defensive stance they are deploying twelve TEL (Transporter Erector Launcher) of Hwasongs and possibly Rodongs as well." The screen shifted to show real-time satelite images of KPA's artillery positions and ballistic missile TELs.

"We must assume that they had loaded those with nuclear, biological, or chemical warheads. So the number one priority in this mission will be Scud batteries. This attack is also timed with another offensive by Allied ground forces with specific objective to take the province, So expect some support request from them. Support; we have an Australian Gulfstream G550 ground surveillance aircraft to locate the SCUDs which you will destroy. In addition, satelite images and intel from the ground had also confirmed that the site also contain entrances for enemy underground munitions factory. Air defenses in the site consist of 14.5 mm, 23 mm, 37 mm, and 57 mm towed AA guns, ZSU-23-4 and ZSU-57-2 mobile AA, SA-6 and KN-06 SAMs, along with foot-mobiles with SA-16 and Iranian-suppied Misagh-2s. So keep your eyes peeled."

"Major, any possibility for SEAD?" asked Capt. Nozomi Takayama, callsign Temple 2-3.

"You people must be grateful, as we are conducting this operation in conjunction of a ground assault, we have a flight of EA-18Gs from the USS Reagan, and two jammer-equipped Su-34MK Fullbacks. Before you are questioning why this mission had Russian jets, you need to know that India, Malaysia, and Indonesia, three major operators of Russian warplanes in the region, has willingly joined this coalition from the beginning of this conflict, helped by the fact that the Russians had declared neutrality so some of its main trade partners are free to fight with us. Last, air threat. Enemy air activity in the area is considered as "medium to heavy", and in case such threat materialized, a flight of Korean KF-25 (1) and a flight of F-15J from our force will do the job for you." He closed the briefing, and the CO, Lt. Col. Miyamoto Kenji, takes over.


"Alright everyone, let's show those Norks that they cannot hide forever. Just like an insect we'll smoke them right out!" exclaimed the Colonel as he closed the briefing and lead his pilots into their lockers as fast as they can.

Once in the locker room, Tsubaki and Watari, now redesignated as Temple 4-4, were told by their flight lead, Capt. Suzuki, to wait near the hangar for a last-minute plan of few things. Their CO also soon went to see the conversation, along with his CSO Capt. Shimamura Miyake.

"With all due respect, sir, I think I have a piece of info worth considering" Tsubaki speaks, after the flight done it's briefing.

"Go on, I'll listen" The 40 year old man said. "North Koreans has trained for years in using alternate guidance system for their medium range SAMs such as SA-6 and KN-06s. Especially in case of SA-6, while older, has optical guidance systems, so even if the radars has been taken out it can still be a threat."

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