Sky Composers

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August 5th, 2018.

4th Tactical Fighter Squadron, 1st Air Wing, JNAF

"Ulsan Tower to Symphonia 2-1 and 2-2, you are cleared to take off."

Upon the clearance, the first element of Symphonia 2 took off. followed by the second element.

Arima Kousei has been promoted to 1st Lieutenant and is leading the second element of Symphonia 2, with Igawa Emi as his wingman, also already a 1st Lieutenant. Meanwhile, Emi's leader, 1st Lt. Nara, was transferred into Symphonia 4 (D flight) and promoted into captain to replace it's old flight lead, Capt. Alberto Akizuki (an immigrant from Peru) which was sadly killed when his F-15 crashed in a training sortie. In Nara's place, 1st Lt. Nakajima Yoshiro was assigned as Capt. Natsuki's wingman.

The 4th Sqn once more assigned into the Yellow Sea sector, as intelligence had reported that the Chinese, despite not yet openly intervene, had intensified it's aid to the North Koreans including military equipments and other supplies such as fuel and ammunition. In addition, Islamic Republic of Iran, the main partner of North Korea missile programs also has confirmed to deliver supplies to both its volunteer forces and North Korean government via China or Russia. Coalition's interdiction efforts by mostly 5th Generation fighters managed to restrict it's delivery in some degree, along with blockade of Yellow Sea and the East Sea of Korea (Sea of Japan) by Allied naval assets. Speaking of navy, there are reports already that Coalition vessels has been fired upon by Chinese air and naval forces over the Yellow Sea, especially mine countermeasure vessels, as North Koreans had extensively mined their coastline up to 200 nautical miles with four coalition vessels has been damaged in the process. Alongside mines, kamikaze attacks by obsolete KPAF fighters such as J-5/MiG-17s or J-6/MiG-19s towards Coalition army and naval positions had also been confirmed.

As the result, the rule of air engagement was revised to allow Coalition pilots to fire on marked PLAAF (People's Liberation Army Air Force) and PLANAF (People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force) fighters and bombers, along with PLAN (People's Liberation Army Navy) vessels shall they attacked Coalition aircraft and ships in the area. Previously, attacks from China are mostly executed by unmarked aircrafts or with North Korean markings and rarely targeting Coalition ships.

4th Squadron soon refueled and soon positioned themselves between Korea Bay and Yellow Sea, close to Chinese territorial waters, on 15.000 feet.

"Be advised, we have two contacts bearing 240 and closing fast, Co-alt, identified as up to two squadrons of J-11 Flankers and Saeqehs, second contact, same bearing, Angels 2, identified as J-6, Prioritize suicide aircraft first!" said a Royal Air Force Airbus A330 Lookout (1) AEW1 AWACS callsign "Highland".

"This is Rogue flight, we are en route to engage the Kamikazes" said a flight of USN Super Hornets. Meanwhile, Japanese F-15s are to engage the Flankers and Saeqehs. The latter was tasked for anti-ship duty using North Korean copy of Russian Kh-35 anti-ship missile, Kumsong-3.

"This is Symphonia lead, all Symphonia call sign assume formation and spread out, we are now commencing the mission" said the 4th Squadron CO, Lt. Col. Toyotomi Hamada.

"Hai" answered all Symphonia flight leaders.

They flew over various Coalition aircrafts such as F-2s, F-16s, F/A-18s, Tejases (2) and Rafales assigned in lower altitudes to hunt North Korean kamikazes, strike aircrafts, and the remaining KPA Navy assets, mostly fast attack crafts.

"Keep your radars on sweep mode" Hamada ordered as the 4th Squadron radars began to obtain contact with the enemy squadron.

Symphonia 2 is tasked in engaged one of such enemy flight.

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