Red Dragon

125 9 17

A/N: Hope you like this chapter! The song in this video is "Aces in Exile" by Sabaton.

August 30th, 2018, 1500 hour, Osan AB, Pyeongtaek, ROK.

The 4th Squadron's next mission; escorting US B-1 Lancers attacking Musudan-ri (Tonghae) Satellite Launch Facility, one of the known location of North Korean ICBM stockpiles. As the tide turn in favor of the Coalition the DPRK had began serious preparation to use their most powerful arsenal: their nuclear missile.

Beforethat, reports of chemical attacks had also been confirmed by Coalition forces in Ongjin, Kaesong, and Wonsan. In fact, both Kousei and Emi had seen it close and personal, two days before.

"Be advised, intel has reported possible North Korean attack aircrafts delivering chemical weapons are present in the area. You are cleared to engage at the earliest opportunity!" said a JNAF AWACS callsign Mangetsu.

"Roger!" replied Symphonia 1-1. 

KPA forces are once again attempted to regain Ongjin, Kaesong and Wonsan in order to cut off supply for Coalition occupation force in Pyongyang in a combined arms assault.

Both Kousei and Emi are focusing on their instruments and radars to look for the enemy.

"Contact, bandits identified as six Su-25 Frogfoots and six Su-22 Fitters approaching US infantry formation in the northern edge of the city." AWACS Mangetsu reported.

Soon Symphonia 1-3 obtained lock of two lead KPAF attackers. Taneda armed her AAM-4s and upon passed the 100-mile range of the AAM-4, "Fox three! fox three!" she shouted. Both her intended preys, two Fitters, are not aware and keep heading for the Americans, when their jets exploded. It's her seventh and eighth kills respectively.

The rest of the North Koreans broke off and regrouped, as the Japanese closed in, but soon resumed their approach.

"Splash one!" Kotori reported as one Su-25 burst into flames as an AAM-5 heatseeker hit it up ahead. Her fifth kill. Another ace was born in the 4th Squadron.

"I got a lock, fox two, fox two!" Kousei locked two other Frogfoots, also called by Russians as Grach (Fortress) due to it's armor (equivalent to US A-10 Thunderbolt II). One disintegrated and one was heavily damaged, but keeping it's course towards the Americans below. Then as he approached the wounded Sukhoi's six in high speed, he realized that its diving towards the Coalition forces in a kamikaze strike.

"Lights out!" Kousei switched into guns and soon put the North Korean plane out of its misery.

"Finbacks! heading from the Northeast, Angels 14!" exclaimed Symphonia 4-2.

"All Symphonia call sign, Symphonia 1 and 3 will be detached to intercept the J-8s. 2 and 4 will remain on your current mission, commanded by Symphonia 2-1. On my mark, 1 and 3 break and head northeast." Hamada ordered.

Soon the squadron split into two formation with eight planes (two flights each formation). 

"Four contact up ahead, their profile matched on enemy attack aircraft, heading your way, do you copy?"

"Copy that Mangetsu, checking it out" 

The formation turned to be MiG-27 Flogger-Ds (dedicated ground attack variant of MiG-23)

"I got problem locking them, those bastard deployed chaffs" Symphonia 2-2 grumbled on the radio. The rest of Symphonia 2 soon closing in for heatseeker shot. But before it can happen, the MiGs exploded.

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