Men (and Women) of Honor

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A/N: The reunification process began and Japanese forces are going home. Final chapter before the epilogue.

Theme song: Two Steps from Hell - Men Of Honor (Extended version)

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The wind of change go straight, as Korean War is no more.

After an intense negotiation started almost immediately after Kim's death, the two Koreas agreed to signed not just peace, but also reunification treaty on February 25th, 2019, in the Peace House in the Joint Security Area, also known as Panmunjeom. Since the round of negotiations began the South Korean government has began socializing the new proper naming of their country as unification approaches, as just Korea, with the new official name, Korean United Republic. Representatives of Coalition Forces along with China and Russia attended and also signed the unification treaty.

The stipulation of the Treaty of Panmunjeom restrict presence of combat forces other than South Koreans in the north of the 38th parallel and after Chinese demand, a creation of a new demilitarized zone in the Chinese-Russian-Korean border, while the security regime in the new DMZ is far more relaxed compared with the old zone. To manage the transition especially the reconstruction of the former North Korea, the region was transformed into a semi-autonomous entity named Autonomous Region of Koryo (ARK). The treaty also demanded a gradual reduction of foreign forces present in the south, subject to further bilateral negotiations with the Government of the Korean Republic especially in case of the United States Forces Korea or USFK.

The new autonomous region will incorporate remnants of North Korean Ministry of People's Security and some former KPA members who didn't commit any war crimes into a new police force, named Koryo Autonomous Police Agency (KAPA) under the authority of Republic of Korea National Police Agency (KNPA).

In case of the KPA, most officers above Lieutenant Colonel/Commander, are discharged. Further vetting for war crimes and human rights violations resulted in only 9500 KPAGF officers retained by the South Koreans, after one rank demotion. Also, all soldiers above the age of 55 and 90% female personnel of the KPA were discharged.

In addition, all officers and personnel in the KPA Strategic Force, North Korean missile force, are either discharged or for those who want to serve in space related expertise and not commit war crimes, were transferred into the civilian space agency KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) after renouncing Juche, the rest are interned pending trial. The biggest part of the Strategic Force, its nuclear weapons program, must be immediately dismantled.

Korean People's Army Navy ratings and officers are mostly employed in a newly formed organization called Korea Mine Clearance Agency of KMCA to clear remaining naval mines in the Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan, under supervision of both Republic of Korea Navy and Korea Maritime Police Agency (Coast Guard). The United States Navy and Japanese National Navy also provide assistance. Some also used in shore duty of securing naval materiel for the South Koreans.

For the Korean People's Army Air Force, considered as one of the most loyal to Kim, its surviving pilots, with 35 are from fighter aviation, are interned for a while in a purpose-built barracks in Osan Air Base. They faced only two choices. Renounce Juche and you can either serve in the United Korean Air Force or civilian sector, or facing trial and imprisonment. In addition, No Fly-Zones, imposed in the wake of Kim's death will be lifted to allow humanitarian aid to flow more smoothly.

About remnant forces that refuse to surrender, collectively called "holdouts", the treaty stipulated that all subsequent pacification and counter-insurgency operations to be led by South Korea, with involvement of foreign powers are restricted to "assistance" role. Many operators of the Korean People's Army Special Operations Forces (KPASOF) become the core of the insurgent group, named themselves New Korean Revolutionary Army; testament of their undying loyalty to Juche, others disappeared; allegedly fled Korea to countries like Cuba, Iran, Syria, and Venezuela, or joined several rebel and terror groups in Africa, Latin America, and Asia.

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